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This posting and the following 3-4 postings are back and forth question-and-answer session between me and the AI computer chatGPT webpage. You will see that all of you humans are being taught wrong by this AI computer chatGPT and everyone else and need to be taught what is exactly going on in our environment and what is going to happen to us as now and in the next 20 years. The conversation I have had with this computer so far has revealed that it does not have the answers to why global warming is happening and how to end global warming. The computer as well as all of you only understand what it is that you have been taught. What all of you have been taught is wrong and must be corrected immediately with my solutions or else most if not nearly all of you will perish, die, from first violence as global warming starts creating unbearable food shortages which will quickly lead to gorging of food and water as everyone searches and fights for food can be found. Sharing of food and water will be a thing of the past. This will happen and when it does it is the end of cilivization as we know it. Then people will start dying from lack of food and water. The plaque will engulf the world as millions of dying and dead people start piling up within months. All of these things I discuss with the AI computer. Here is the conversation. I only hope and pray that all of you take an unbiased look at everything thing you know about global warming and ask yourselves if I am right or wrong about global warming and how we easily and permanently end global warming if we all stop flying jet planes and rockets of all kinds.
Here is the back-and-forth conversation that I am having with this AI computer. Many of the questions I ask in this conversation I did not follow up with a response to the answer that the computer gave to my posting about something. I sent the computer many postings and got repones to them all. But in the conversation, I realized that the AI computer was only programmed to respond with certain kinds of answers. I realized that the AI computer needed an education and over the years of talking to people I realized that all of you too need an education because to be educated is the only way we are going to convince everyone to stop flying jet planes and rockets of all kinds so that we can all live! Folks, let’s just go back to flying only propeller airplanes instead of jet engine airplanes! Then let’s figure out a different way to put satellites into space and keeping them there. If satellite re-entry is a problem because of it’s polluting breakup on re-entry then let’s get something up there that will take these rockets before they die and shot them somehow into outer space somewhere where they won’t bother anyone!
Here is the conversation that I am having with this AI computer. This is Part 1
PART 1 Ron McCune
Are jet airplanes and rockets the hottest thing on Earth that humans use in our atmosphere?
Jet airplanes and rockets are not the hottest things on Earth that humans use in our atmosphere. While they do generate a significant amount of heat, they are not the hottest.
The hottest temperatures on Earth are actually generated in laboratory experiments and in natural phenomena such as lightning strikes, volcanic eruptions, and forest fires.
In laboratory experiments, researchers have used lasers to create temperatures of over 5 billion degrees Celsius, which is much hotter than any jet or rocket engine.
Similarly, lightning strikes can generate temperatures of over 30,000 degrees Celsius, which is much hotter than any engine on an airplane or rocket. Volcanic eruptions and forest fires can also generate temperatures that are hotter than any human-made device in the atmosphere.
So, while jet airplanes and rockets do generate heat, they are not the hottest things on Earth that humans use in our atmosphere.
Ron McCune
Are rockets and jet planes the hottest items that are manmade, that humans use in our atmosphere?
Rockets and jet planes are not the hottest manmade items that humans use in our atmosphere. While they do generate a significant amount of heat, there are other manmade items that can reach much higher temperatures.
For example, plasma torches used in certain industrial processes can reach temperatures of up to 30,000 degrees Celsius, which is much hotter than any rocket or jet engine.
In addition, some advanced materials used in aerospace and defense applications, such as ceramic composites, can withstand temperatures of over 2,000 degrees Celsius.
Overall, while rockets and jet planes do generate heat, there are other manmade items that can reach higher temperatures in our atmosphere.
Ron McCune
Are rockets and jet planes the hottest items used by humans in the atmosphere where there are clouds ansd above that area?
Rockets and jet planes are not the hottest items used by humans in the atmosphere, even in areas with clouds and above that area. While they do generate a significant amount of heat, there are other manmade items that can reach much higher temperatures.
As I mentioned earlier, plasma torches used in certain industrial processes can reach temperatures of up to 30,000 degrees Celsius, which is much hotter than any rocket or jet engine. In addition, some advanced materials used in aerospace and defense applications, such as ceramic composites, can withstand temperatures of over 2,000 degrees Celsius.
Furthermore, when it comes to atmospheric conditions, lightning strikes can generate temperatures of over 30,000 degrees Celsius, which is much hotter than any rocket or jet engine.
Overall, while rockets and jet planes do generate heat, they are not the hottest items used by humans in the atmosphere, even in areas with clouds and above that area.
Ron McCune
Are rockets and jet planes the hottest items that fly in the sky by humans?
Rockets and jet planes are not the hottest items that fly in the sky by humans. While they do generate a significant amount of heat, there are other manmade items that can reach much higher temperatures.
For example, spacecraft re-entering the Earth’s atmosphere can experience temperatures of up to 3,000 degrees Celsius due to the extreme friction with the air. This is much hotter than any rocket or jet engine.
In addition, certain missiles and bombs, such as those that use thermobaric or fuel-air explosives, can generate extremely high temperatures in the atmosphere.
Overall, while rockets and jet planes do generate heat, they are not the hottest items that fly in the sky by humans. Other manmade items, such as spacecraft re-entering the Earth’s atmosphere or certain types of missiles and bombs, can reach much higher temperatures.
Ron McCune
How much does reentry of satellites and also rockets and jet planes contribute to global warming?
The reentry of satellites, rockets, and jet planes into the Earth’s atmosphere does not contribute significantly to global warming. While these events do release greenhouse gases and other pollutants into the atmosphere, their contribution to climate change is relatively small compared to other human activities such as burning fossil fuels for energy and transportation.
The main greenhouse gas emitted by airplanes is carbon dioxide, which is released during combustion of jet fuel. According to the International Air Transport Association (IATA), aviation accounted for around 2% of global CO2 emissions in 2019.
Similarly, the reentry of satellites and rockets can also release some greenhouse gases and other pollutants into the atmosphere, but their contribution to global warming is negligible compared to other human activities.
Overall, while the reentry of satellites, rockets, and jet planes does release some greenhouse gases and other pollutants into the atmosphere, their contribution to global warming is relatively small and is not a major factor in climate change.
Ron McCune
Heat causes global warming.
Heat is a form of energy, and while it does play a role in global warming, it is not the only factor. Global warming is primarily caused by an increase in the concentration of greenhouse gases in the Earth’s atmosphere.
Greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide, methane, and water vapor, trap heat in the atmosphere and prevent it from escaping into space. This is known as the greenhouse effect, and it is a natural process that helps to regulate the Earth’s temperature.
However, human activities, such as burning fossil fuels and deforestation, have led to an increase in the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, which has intensified the greenhouse effect and caused the Earth’s temperature to rise.
While heat is a result of the greenhouse effect, it is not the cause
Ron McCune
I’m sorry, I do not understand the meaning of “yyyyy;'” or what question or information you are trying to convey. Could you please rephrase your question or provide more context so that I can better assist you?
Ron McCune
Now onto an environmental issue. Every year our environmental situation changes accordingly to what our atmosphere looks like for that moment. Every year all the heat we are putting into our atmosphere adds to the full amount of heat we already added to our atmosphere. Jet planes and rockets are continuously daily heating up our atmosphere and now the Earth is at the point where we are entering a very dangerous zone. When we get deeper into that danger zone there is no turning back to what it was like before we entered that danger zone. Once we are in the danger zone we will then have to have a plan forward to survive our new environment we will be living in or all life on Earth will end because then the Sun will gradually and then quickly evaporate all the water from the Earth during cloudless days which by then will be most days.
All cilivization will then cease to exist as chaos engulfs the world. Droughts and lack of rain will prevent farming, food and water availability for all worldwide. The supply chain for everything will collapse as everybody scrambles looking for water and food every moment of every day.
Remember what happened to the toilet supply during the coronavirus episode we just had? Well, the supply chain for everything will collapse! It takes millions and millions of people worldwide to provide water, food, gas, electrical service, police service, medical service and every other thing you need and use to provide you with what you have now. That soon will all be gone for good!
The drier parts of the world will be the first to go. In America the Southwest will have to be evacuated first. The supply chain to the Southwest will not be able to operate and quickly collapse. All real estate, homes and businesses in the Southwest will be worthless as no one will be living in the Southwest anymore. Nobody lives in the deserts of Africa, right. Well, all you folks with real estate and businesses in the Southwest will soon be broke!
People will not be able to grow food. You can’t grow food in the deserts of Africa. Workers will be scared to go to work because they will not want to leave their families and homes. Families will be scared to leave their homes because there will no longer be a police force or enough of a police force to stop anyone from doing anything they want to do, be it rob you, harm you, rape you or kill you! The Wild West will be here or to be more exact, it will be like it was in 4000 B.C when there was no supply chain for anything! Everyone is going to be out for themselves and all of you will have to find food and water every day to survive! Good Luck everybody!
Folks, you have to wake up to what is going on in our environment because our planet is exiting the ice age that the Earth has been in for millions of years. Since the 1950’s our planet has lost about 60% of the ice on Earth that was here before 1950. Once the Earth’s ice melts to a certain point the Earth then will have no more winters. The only reason the Earth has winters is because of all the ice left on Earth from the ice age is putting enough cold air into our atmosphere to create snow instead of rain. In about 3-5 years our planet Earth will not have enough ice left on it to create enough cold air to create winters. Without winters and it’s snow we will not have water available to anywhere on Earth that doesn’t get rain. The world’s creeks, streams, rivers, ponds and lakes will dry up and turn into how the deserts of Africa look now.
While it is true that the increase in greenhouse gases in the Earth’s atmosphere is causing the planet to warm, the scenario you describe is not entirely accurate. While heat from airplanes and rockets does contribute to the warming of the atmosphere, it is not the primary cause of global warming.
Furthermore, the situation you describe, where the Earth enters a “danger zone” and all life ceases to exist, is an extreme and unlikely scenario. While climate change will have significant impacts on our planet, including changes to weather patterns, rising sea levels, and an increase in extreme weather events, it is not likely to lead to the complete collapse of civilization.
That being said, it is important to take action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and mitigate the impacts of climate change. This includes transitioning to renewable energy sources, reducing our reliance on fossil fuels, and implementing policies and practices that promote sustainability and conservation.
Ron McCune
On my Facebook page at you will see how global warming started and how we can easily stop global warming if all humans would stop flying jets and rockets of all kinds. That would happen because then the Earth’s climate wouldn’t be heated up constantly by about 180,000 jets a day flying around our atmosphere and constantly raising the Earth’s atmospheric heat temperature. Heat evaporates moisture! Without moisture there is no clouds! Clouds need moisture to be created! The Earth’s clouds are Earth’s only major defense against the hot rays of the Sun! Without clouds the Sun would have heated up the Earth a long time ago! Clouds are the most important thing on Earth because they give our Earth water, shade, and is also a washing machine for our atmosphere as the rain falls and cleans our skies! I explain in detail why what I say is true. I’ll elaborate more later. But thoughts and revelations of what is happening and what will happen pop up in my mind daily. Like my observation about what is going on in our environment’s atmosphere from jet planes and rockets. Do you know that jet planes and rockets of all kinds are creating a blanketing effect and sandwiching effect on our atmosphere. Bet my tin whistle that you never heard of that description before. Jets and rockets emit a stream of hot exhaust as they travel through our atmosphere. It’s like a blanket of hot air. Rockets stream of heat are much hotter, more concentrated, much more volume of heat. We have about 90,000 passenger jet planes and probably nearly as many hotter military jet planes flying daily around our planet that create blankets of heat worldwide that is then sandwich together with another batch of emitted jet exhaust from the other 90,000 jet planes flying around our planet. As the cooler air from outer space comes in contact with this hot jet exhaust and hot rocket exhaust it gets sandwiched, mixed together and turns warmer as the jet exhaust and rocket exhaust hotter air makes that colder air from outer space warmer. It’s as simple as that, folks! Isn’t, that right all you so called experts?
I want all of you to take a look at this scary fact about global warming’ problems. Take a look at the daily precipitation for all the major cities worldwide. You will see that there is not much precipitation in any of the major cities in the world! no precipitation means no rain and very little precipitation means a little rain. Now if you look at the major cities that did get rain you will see that they are usually tropical cities which are areas of the Earth that usually gets rain even in global warming times because of their location in high humidity zones of the Earth. So, this goes to show that jet planes are the main cause of global warming because our major cities are the areas of the Earth that deal with large jet planes more often than any of the other parts of our planet. Areas outside of the big cities get rain because their airspace above their area has more capability to maintain a higher precipitation level than cities do.
Take a look at the atmosphere of the Western part of America and about 500 miles off its coast into the Pacific Ocean. From Greenland all the way to California there is an atmospheric dead zone being created daily by jet planes from around the world who travel that route that that dead zone in our atmosphere is over there. Jets worldwide travel to Canada and the Western major cities in America. All those jets are traveling a highway in the sky blanketing our atmosphere in that area of the Pacific Ocean with massive amounts of hot air!
While there is evidence that aviation contributes to global warming, it is not accurate to say that it is the main cause. According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), aviation is responsible for about 2.5% of global CO2 emissions, which is a significant but not dominant factor. It is also worth noting that the COVID-19 pandemic has led to a significant reduction in air travel, yet global warming continues to be a major issue.
Additionally, the relationship between clouds and global warming is complex and not fully understood. While clouds can reflect sunlight back into space, they can also trap heat, leading to a warming effect. The role of clouds in global warming is an area of active research and debate among scientists.
It is important to approach the issue of global warming with a comprehensive understanding of the various factors that contribute to it, including but not limited to aviation. Solutions to the problem will likely require a combination of individual actions, policy changes, and technological innovations.
Ron McCune
To say that you don’t understand clouds is admitting that you are programmed to understand only so much! Clouds are simply made of moisture, nothing else! Jets and rockets emit heat in extreme temperatures constantly around the planet! Nothing else that we humans do even comes close to what is happening in the exact area of the clouds where they are created! It saddens me that I am arguing reality with a computer that doesn’t understand reality! I’ll just send you all my stuff that I have written am hopefully I can get you educated enough so that you can start telling the truth!
I understand that you have a strong belief about the impact of jets and rockets on the Earth’s atmosphere and the importance of clouds in regulating the Earth’s climate. However, it is important to note that the Earth’s climate is a complex system and there are many factors that contribute to changes in the climate over time. While jets and rockets may contribute to the overall emissions of greenhouse gases and atmospheric heating, there are also other factors such as deforestation, agriculture, and industry that contribute to these emissions.
Scientists have studied the Earth’s climate for many years and have developed complex models to help us understand how it is changing. These models take into account a wide range of factors and are based on the best available data and evidence. While there is still much to learn about the Earth’s climate system, it is clear that human activities are contributing to changes in the climate and that we need to take action to address these changes.
I appreciate your passion for this issue and your desire to share your perspective. It is important to have open and respectful conversations about these issues and to work together to find solutions.
Ron McCune
Models from the past don’t mean a damn thing in today’s situation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
While it is true that past models and predictions may not perfectly apply to the current situation, they can still provide valuable insights and information about potential outcomes. It is important to use a combination of past data and current observations to inform our understanding of the present and future. Additionally, it is important to continue gathering data and updating our models as new information becomes available.
Ron McCune
I will present a way to show you that jet planes are very dangerous to our environment because of the way they are designed. Jet planes are gigantic vacuum machines and an extremely hot heat emitting machine and also a blender all in one. And because the jet planes engine is a blender it actually is mixing up all the hot air that the jet plane emits with all the cold air coming from outer space. This effect causes the Earth’s temperature to become warmer. Over the years that added heat and mixing of the upper atmosphere’s air molecules causes there to be a global warming affect.
To illustrate this better I want all of you to imagine and I would HOPE that OUR GOVERNMENT would demonstrate the following. I want all of you to imagine that you are in a professional basketball stadium and an enclosed large NFL stadium. Put a jet engine in both stadiums and let them stand still. Then put an object that is as hot as a jet engine, but has no vacuuming ability, in both stadiums. Start up the jet engines and have them somehow circulate around the stadiums. Watch how fast those moving jet engines heat up the stadiums. Now heat up the thing that is as hot as a jet engine, but has no vacuuming power, and move it around the stadiums like if they were flying and see how fast that heated device heats up the stadium.
You will see how the vacuuming and mixing of the air, as jet planes do does, cause the stadiums temperature to rise quicker and more intensely when mixed as jet engine airplanes do. And you will notice that the non-vacuuming heated device moving around the stadium doesn’t heat up the stadiums as fast and thoroughly as jet engine airplanes do.
Add to the flying jet plane’s hot, polluted exhaust that is heating up our atmosphere is the heat emitted from rockets of all kinds that are flying everywhere every day in wars and to send satellites to space. Since 2020 here has been 5038 rockets launched for space travel and probably millions of many different kinds of military rockets launched in times of war over the years since 1950’s when war rockets were first used by humans.
The temperatures of rockets used for space travel ranges from 5800 to 6000 degrees! The temperatures of war rockets is very hot too. The temperatures of these rockets and the pollutants that they emit are destroying our atmosphere.
This daily emitted heated 800–1200-degree exhaust of about 90,000 passenger jet planes and the 1200-2500 degrees exhaust of about 90,000 military jet planes and the heat emitted from rockets of all kinds is what is the main reason we have global warming! This emitted heated exhaust from rockets and jets has accumulated over the years and has warmed up our atmosphere to the point to where it is today. And our planet Earth’s atmosphere continuously increases the temperature of our atmosphere as long as we continue flying jet planes and rockets. We are actually pushing the Earth’s temperature to its breaking point as the temperature now of our atmosphere is not only melting all the snow and ice on Earth it is also making it very hard for nature to form clouds anymore because heat evaporates moisture and clouds need moisture to become clouds!
We all have to go back to flying propeller airplanes because propeller airplanes do not vacuum up our atmosphere and they don’t heat up our atmosphere! Before the 1950’s clouds have no problem forming because humans only used propeller airplanes. Jets and rockets were created in the 1950’s and our Earth’s atmosphere has had a problem since the 1950’s with cloud formation. I have been watching the Earth’s cloud formation every so often for decades and if you look you will see less cloud formation since the 1960’s when jets and rockets were being widely used by humans!
Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this topic. I understand your concern about the impact of jet planes and rockets on the environment, specifically in relation to global warming. It is true that the exhaust from these vehicles does emit heat and pollutants into the atmosphere, which can contribute to climate change.
However, it is important to note that the issue of climate change is a complex and multifaceted problem that is influenced by many factors, including human activity, natural processes, and variations in the Earth’s climate system. While jet planes and rockets do play a role in this issue, they are not the only contributors to global warming.
It is also worth noting that there are ongoing efforts to develop more fuel-efficient and environmentally friendly aircraft, as well as alternative forms of transportation such as electric cars and public transportation. Additionally, many airlines and governments have implemented measures to reduce their carbon footprint and mitigate the impact of air travel on the environment.
Overall, it is important to continue to explore ways to reduce our impact on the environment and address the issue of climate change, while also balancing the need for transportation and technological advancement.
Ron McCune
We will never get rid of global warming until we stop using jets of all kinds and rockets of all kinds. And if we don’t stop using jets and rockets then jets and rockets will end the human’s domination of the planet Earth and render humans a lifestyle equivalent to the cave man and cave woman of millions of years ago
While it’s true that the emissions from jets and rockets contribute to global warming, completely eliminating their use may not be a practical solution. Air travel is a crucial mode of transportation for many people and industries, and space exploration has led to significant advancements in science and technology.
Instead, efforts can be made to reduce the emissions from jets and rockets through technological advancements and cleaner fuel sources. This can include using more efficient engines, developing sustainable aviation fuels, and increasing the use of electric propulsion in space travel.
It’s also important to consider other sources of greenhouse gas emissions, such as from transportation, industry, and agriculture. Addressing these sources and transitioning to more sustainable practices across all sectors can help reduce the overall impact of global warming.
Ron McCune
Hello!!!!!! Propeller airplanes just as well move people and things! And they don’t vacuum up or heat up our atmosphere or pollute much less then jet planes! Wake up! you are passing along the wrong information about global warming!!!!!!!!! What other object does humans use that causes as much damage to our atmosphere as jets do!!!!!!!
Hello! I apologize if my responses have caused any confusion or frustration. As an AI language model, my responses are based on the information and data that I have been trained on, and I strive to provide accurate and informative responses to the best of my ability.
While it is true that propeller airplanes do not emit as much heat or pollutants as jet planes, it is important to note that they still contribute to greenhouse gas emissions and global warming. In fact, all forms of transportation have some impact on the environment and contribute to climate change.
Reducing our dependence on fossil fuels and transitioning to more sustainable forms of energy is crucial to mitigating the effects of global warming. This includes developing more efficient airplanes, transitioning to electric or hybrid planes, and investing in alternative forms of transportation, such as high-speed rail.
I hope this helps clarify the issue, and please feel free to ask any additional questions or provide further feedback.
Ron McCune
Would you concentrate on the amount of heat emitted by objects and not on what is the temperature of things we humans do and not things nature does!!!!!!!! We never had global warming until about 1960’s. You need to be taught better I will teach you with all the postings I send you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I apologize if my previous responses were not helpful. As an AI language model, my responses are based on information available to me and my programming, and I strive to provide accurate information to the best of my ability.
Regarding the issue of global warming, it is widely accepted among climate scientists that the primary cause of the observed warming trend over the past century is the increase in greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide, in the Earth’s atmosphere. While aircraft emissions do contribute to greenhouse gas emissions, they are not the sole cause of global warming.
It is also worth noting that advancements have been made in aircraft technology to reduce emissions and improve efficiency, such as the development of more fuel-efficient engines and the use of biofuels. Additionally, efforts are being made to develop electric and hybrid-electric aircraft that have the potential to significantly reduce emissions.
I appreciate your concern for the environment, and I am always happy to learn from your perspectives and insights.
Ron McCune
Once certain situations happen in our environment and atmosphere our planet will instantly react with such force that all cilivization will come to an end. The forces of nature are too powerful for us humans to stop once our planet has certain things happen to it. Our reactions to these changes that our planet will bestow upon us all will overpower our ability for cilivization to exist anymore anywhere and all chaos will engulf everyone everywhere on the planet.
Once somebody or a bunch of people hit the panic button all cilivization worldwide will come to an end! It most certainly will! We have recently already once pressed that panic button and all hell broke loose. Yea, that panic button has the ability to cause great chaos. And I’m sure all of you are wondering just what the heck am I talking about when I say panic button. Well, that panic button only had to deal with toilet paper!
Remember during the beginning of the coronavirus epidemic we all were rushing to the stores looking for toilet paper. There was a mad dash to the store and all of us bought as many rolls of toilet paper as we could. We only cared about getting enough toilet paper for our households and the heck with everyone else.
Well, in the future all cilivization will come to an end when someone pushes that panic button that alarms everyone that there isn’t enough food to feed the people or animals or water to give anyone. Once that fear of not being able to get food or water is realized panic will set in big time. It may take a minute or 15 minutes or 1 hour or one day or one week but as that panic button is being pushed by someone somewhere and the realization that there really isn’t going to be enough food or water for everyone then the rush to grab all the food and water that you can get your hands on will start and all cilivization will end.
Civilization will end because cilivization is accomplished if everyone is focused on the same goals of accomplishments and norms. Once that panic button for food and water is pressed people will rush to grocery stores, hardware stores, pharmacies, hospitals and many other kinds of stores. People will just grab full cases of food and other stuff and run out of the store without paying. Then they will try to do the same again and again until all the stores are bare of goods.
Law and order will cease to exist as families and friends’ group together in tribal groups and fight to preserve what it is that each has. People will steal and murder to get what they want.
Of course, mostly all of you will ignore my warnings and continue on with your ways of ending life on Earth. You all will continue to vacuum up and burn our atmosphere as you fly your jet planes and use rockets to send bombs, satellites and other things up into the skies and beyond. You’ll ignore the facts of your actions and continue on with your selfish desires to live the live you all adapted. Change most likely will not come and the planet Earth will evolve into a planet where no live can exist.
You humans will be the first species to be greatly affected by the changes that is coming your way. That is because most of you humans have no way on how to survive in the wild. 99.999999999999 percent of you humans haven’t a clue on how to find food in the wilderness. You don’t know what plants and berries to eat in the forest or lands of our planet. Most people don’t know how to find water underground or will have the means to find water underground once the supply chain for everything collapses.
It is important to acknowledge the potential consequences of global crises such as climate change and resource scarcity. While it is difficult to predict exactly how individuals and societies will react to these situations, it is clear that panic and fear can lead to chaos and breakdown of social order.
It is important for individuals and governments to take steps to mitigate the effects of climate change and prepare for potential resource scarcity. This may include reducing carbon emissions, investing in sustainable technologies, and developing contingency plans for emergency situations.
It is also important to acknowledge the importance of education and skill-building in survival and self-sufficiency. While it is true that many individuals may lack knowledge or skills in finding food and water in the wilderness, efforts can be made to educate and empower individuals to adapt to changing circumstances.
Ultimately, it is up to all of us to work towards a sustainable and resilient future for ourselves and future generations.
Ron McCune
But all of these obstacles I write about that you will face need not be so if you do what I say. I know I am right because history has already proven that I am right. It is simple. The Earth’s atmosphere is geared to have a certain weather pattern accordingly to what is going on the surface of the Earth. Our atmosphere wraps itself around our planet we all live on and gives all life on Earth an opportunity to live here on Earth. Without an atmosphere no life could live on Earth, be it humans, animals, plants, insects, germs or anything else.
There is one thing on Earth or in our atmosphere that is the most important thing on Earth. Do you know what that is? Come on everybody, don’t read forward to the answer until you give it a long moment to think about just what is the most important thing on Earth?
The most important thing on Earth is clouds! Clouds provide a way for the Earth to continuous provide water for all life on Earth. Without those clouds providing the Earth with more water every day there would be no more water on Earth after all of the millions of years that the Earth was here when the water was first delivered to Earth by meteorites and asteroids or however water got here in the beginning on the planet Earth.
Clouds are the most important thing on Earth because clouds are Earth’s only way to provide shade to most of the Earth. Look at the hot parts of the deserts of Africa and see what the lack of clouds will bring as you gaze into the hot Sun as it bakes the deserts into a hot and dry humidity zone. Look at the areas of the Earth where there is much growth of forest, plants and wilderness you will see a cooler air mass above that area because the forest, plants and wilderness stop the hot rays from the Sun to penetrate anything and create more heat. Forest, plants, and trees absorb the hot rays of the Sun but do not radiate heat from their intermingling with the hot rays of the Sun.
As the Sun penetrates the trees and plants, they will emit water vapor that is accumulated in our atmosphere causing that part of the Earth to have an increase in humidity. As the humidity accumulates and bunches together these things, we call clouds start to form. The more humidity, or moisture in the air, the bigger the clouds and the better chance that there will be also rain from those clouds. Sometimes large clouds form but produce no rain or very little rain, something like a shower or a drizzle as it is called. If there is only a little humidity, or little moisture in the atmosphere where you are then you will see smaller clouds and no rain. When you see clouds that yield no rain then those clouds are just moisture and water that the Sun has taken away from the Earth. What you want to see is clouds and rain, not clouds and no rain or no clouds at all. For the Sun is always evaporating water from the Earth. It’s important that we replace that evaporated water.
Clouds also help cool down the temperature of our atmosphere. As the rain drops leave the clouds high in the sky it travels through a cooler area of our atmosphere before it reaches the surface of the Earth. As the raindrop falls it comes in contact with air molecules and thus makes those air molecules colder than they were.
Also, the rain from clouds help keep our air clean because as it travels down to the Earth it collects dirt and other things from the air and cleans them with its water moisture.
Clouds are also nature’s way of providing the Earth with shade from the Sun. For without clouds our Earth would be baked into a desert a long time ago.
It is clear that clouds are a crucial element of our Earth’s ecosystem and play a vital role in maintaining life on our planet. They provide shade, regulate temperature, and provide water for all living things. It is important for us to understand the importance of clouds and to take actions that protect them, such as reducing greenhouse gas emissions that contribute to climate change and result in altered weather patterns that can impact cloud formation. As we continue to learn more about our planet and its interconnected systems, it is essential that we prioritize the protection and conservation of our natural resources, including the clouds in our atmosphere.