

Sadly in about 10-25 years it will be the lack of water that will drive all animals AND HUMANS on Earth on a wild goose chase as all animals AND HUMANS will search the Earth for water because in about 10-25 years the world’s ice glaciers and snow covered mountains will be all gone as well as the North and South Poles! Streams,creeks and rivers will all dry up because there will be less rain…

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Folks, it’s all about the clouds! Global warming today is caused by the Earth not being able to form enough clouds to adequately shield the Earth from the Sun’s deadly heat waves! You can put Earth’s inner mountainous materials into the sky like volcanoes do. As long as you have a certain moisture content in the atmosphere nature will make floating water molecules attach themselves to volcano ash and turn itself in mass into clouds…

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PART 3 in my conversation with the AI computer. In my opinion I believe, and all of you too should believe if you care to live much longer on this planet, that it is about time that we stop giving money to those that are destroying our planet the most! Rockets are the hottest devise that emits heat that we humans put into our atmosphere. I’ve already numerous times have requested from the government and aero space industry and the environmental organizations and others for the data that shows just how hot and what happens to hot exhaust as it leaves rockets. How far does the exhaust heat and pollutants travel from the exhaust areas of rockets and how does that heat and pollutants interact with other molecules last as it travels through our atmosphere? How all this affects global warming is being ignored as we fly numerous jet planes and rockets into our atmosphere. I read where there is about 440 tons of jet fuel to fly every Space X rocket! The revenue collected from the sales of products at Telsa Motors and Amazon.com go toward the building of rockets! These two companies are responsible for putting massive amounts of heat into our atmosphere which it appears that to affect our amount of heat we have to deal with in these days of global warming! I feel that the ONLY way we can lower the temperature of the temperature of our atmosphere is to stop flying hot objects of ALL kinds in our atmosphere! I believe we MUST BOYCOTT TESLA MOTORS AND AMAZON.COM and stop buying all of their products because their profits are doing us immense harm! We have to stop flying rockets of all kinds and stop flying jets of all kinds if we want to lower the amount of heat we are daily putting into our atmosphere! If we don’t stop putting heat into our atmosphere then in 2023 the North Pole’s summer ice in it’s oceans and waterways will all be nearly all melted and then that warmer water will travel the world. The South Pole will start collapsing in about 2024 or 2025. The weather patterns world wide will change as winters are no more. The heat molecules will overpower the cold molecules as the Earth adjusts to what we humans have given it to deal with. Weather patterns from the past will mean nothing as humanity has to adjust with a whole new weather pattern. That’s your future! What are YOU going to do about it? Are ALL of you going to immediate stop flying rockets and jet planes are are you going to continue with your ways of living that is KILLING YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Read my Facebook Page for more details!

As an AI language model, I cannot have personal beliefs or opinions. However, I can provide information on the topics you mentioned. It is true that rockets and jet planes emit pollutants and contribute to global warming. The aerospace industry and governments are aware of these issues and are working to reduce emissions through various initiatives, such as developing new, more fuel-efficient engines and using alternative fuels. Boycotting companies like Tesla and Amazon may not…

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PART 2 of the conversation between me and the AI computer Now onto an environmental issue. Every year our environmental situation changes accordingly to what our atmosphere looks like for that moment. Every year all the heat we are putting into our atmosphere adds to the full amount of heat we already added to our atmosphere. Jet planes and rockets are continuously daily heating up our atmosphere and now the Earth is at the point where we are entering a very dangerous zone. When we get deeper into that danger zone there is no turning back to what it was like before we entered that danger zone. Once we are in the danger zone we will then have to have a plan forward to survive our new environment we will be living in or all life on Earth will end because then the Sun will gradually and then quickly evaporate all the water from the Earth during cloudless days which by then will be most days. All cilivization will then cease to exist as chaos engulfs the world. Droughts and lack of rain will prevent farming, food and water availability for all worldwide. The supply chain for everything will collapse as everybody scrambles looking for water and food every moment of every day. Remember what happened to the toilet supply during the coronavirus episode we just had? Well, the supply chain for everything will collapse! It takes millions and millions of people worldwide to provide water, food, gas, electrical service, police service, medical service and every other thing you need and use to provide you with what you have now. That soon will all be gone for good! The drier parts of the world will be the first to go. In America the Southwest will have to be evacuated first. The supply chain to the Southwest will not be able to operate and quickly collapse. All real estate, homes and businesses in the Southwest will be worthless as no one will be living in the Southwest anymore. Nobody lives in the deserts of Africa, right. Well, all you folks with real estate and businesses in the Southwest will soon be broke! People will not be able to grow food. You can’t grow food in the deserts of Africa. Workers will be scared to go to work because they will not want to leave their families and homes. Families will be scared to leave their homes because there will no longer be a police force or enough of a police force to stop anyone from doing anything they want to do, be it rob you, harm you, rape you or kill you! The Wild West will be here or to be more exact, it will be like it was in 4000 B.C when there was no supply chain for anything! Everyone is going to be out for themselves and all of you will have to find food and water every day to survive! Good Luck everybody! Folks, you have to wake up to what is going on in our environment because our planet is exiting the ice age that the Earth has been in for millions of years. Since the 1950’s our planet has lost about 60% of the ice on Earth that was here before 1950. Once the Earth’s ice melts to a certain point the Earth then will have no more winters. The only reason the Earth has winters is because of all the ice left on Earth from the ice age is putting enough cold air into our atmosphere to create snow instead of rain. In about 3-5 years our planet Earth will not have enough ice left on it to create enough cold air to create winters. Without winters and it’s snow we will not have water available to anywhere on Earth that doesn’t get rain. The world’s creeks, streams, rivers, ponds and lakes will dry up and turn into how the deserts of Africa look now.

It is true that climate change is one of the most pressing environmental issues facing our planet today. The increased levels of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases in the atmosphere are leading to rising temperatures and changes in weather patterns, which can have a range of negative impacts on human societies and natural ecosystems. It is important to note that while jet planes and rockets do contribute to greenhouse gas emissions, they are not…

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Are jet airplanes and rockets the hottest thing on Earth that humans use in our atmosphere?

This posting and the following 3-4 postings are back and forth question-and-answer session between me and the AI computer chatGPT webpage. You will see that all of you humans are being taught wrong by this AI computer chatGPT and everyone else and need to be taught what is exactly going on in our environment and what is going to happen to us as now and in the next 20 years. The conversation I have had…

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Sadly soon in the future us humans will be forced to do this to most animals on Earth as the world turns into a hard place to live for most species because of the ending of the Ice Age which the Earth has been in for the last thousands or millions of years and enter a new phase for the Earth where the Sun will take away much of the way we all, humans, animals and plant life live. And just a quick question, who is going to feed the Polar Bears because soon in about 3 years there will be no more ice in the North pole during summers. Well, Polar Bears hibernate and sleep all winter. They come out of their dens of hibernation in the spring and till the next winter go to the waters where their food swims to hide on floating ice packs where they wait in hiding for seals to eat. Well, with no ice just what are these Polar Bears going to do? Go find a floating log or go to McDonalds or a garbage can near you? It’s up to you folks to set up feed/water/care stations for Polar Bears and most other animals and mammals throughout the world because Mother Nature is going to change the world we live in soon and it’s going to be impossible for many species to survive without our help! So it’s time to stop sending or spending money on environmental support campaigns and others and instead actually do something to get a feed/water/care station set up wherever you can. The animals of the world are counting on us humans to save them from the rough life that nature will create in the new world we are now entering, the post ice age era. Why hasn’t anyone talked about this yet? Well, can I ask all of you to start addressing this issue now because the animals of the planet need solutions to the problems that they are going to face!



IT’S LEARNING TIME FOLKS! LISTEN UP TO WHAT I HAVE TO SAY BEFORE GLOBAL WARMING TAKES YOUR LIFE AWAY AS WELL AS ALL LIFE ON EARTH! WELCOME TO MY CLASSROOM WHERE I SHOW YOU HOW TO SOLVE PROBLEMS OF ALL KINDS My Facebook Page shows how to create a whole new government; new Social Security system; new health care system; new educational system; new welfare system and much more. I even show how to easily…

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December 13, 2020  · Shared via AddThis  · 

Shared with Public Just as miners use canaries when mining to insure that there is enough air to breathe butterflies are the insects that are our above ground canary in the cage watched alert system and the whole world heeds not the warnings as the butterflies and many other species lives are forever gone because of our greed and selfishness due to our polluting lifestyles but instead read and talk about it and do nothing…

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December 16, 2020  · 

Shared with Public The world is a changing! Unfortunately slowly. It’s up to us the innovators to grab the solutions to our problems and amass them to everyday life quickly so that we have no problems anymore. Don’t wait for others to lead the way, go forward strongly with solutions and others will gladly follow you to the path to solutions. Imagine beyond your limits to see what could be. Take what you need and…

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