

UPDATED ALMOST DAILY TILL I POST AT TOP OF THIS POSTING THAT THIS POSTING IS FINISHED. IF YOU READ THE REST OF MY POSTINGS ON MY FACEBOOK PAGE YOU WILL GET MORE IDEAS ABOUT HOW TO PERMANENTLY END GLOBAL WARMING! Message of importance to all of you! I have sent this unfinished posting of mine to President Biden, Vice President Harris and numerous Senators and members of the House of Representatives of both political parties.…

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I sent a request to NASA for them to read my Facebook page to see why all jet planes and rockets are the main reason we have global warming and how we can stop global warming if we all worldwide would stop flying jet planes and rockets of all kinds. NASA sent me a response that stated saying that jet planes and rockets are not the cause of global warming! NASA is killing us all with their industry of rockets use! Either shut down NASA or NASA and the jet planes and rockets will burn up our atmosphere which is the reason we now have global warming! It’s time we shut down all the airports and rocket launch pads worldwide with LEGAL traffic jams of all kinds so that we can end global warming forever! If people can’t get to their flights than they don’t fly! Are you willing to help me get this done by not flying jet planes anymore and request a flight on propeller planes only or are all of you going to continue to kill our planet with your jet planes and rockets? Locally shut down your local airports with massive traffic jams! Airports are public property that all of us can visit without flying so spend your whole day visiting our airports shops and roadways. PARTY 24/7 at every airport near you! Join the PARTY! Read https://www.facebook.com/ron.mccune.3 for full details on how we are going to end global warming in 3 months or less! Either join me or you will all DIE from global warming! We cannot delay any longer what is needed to stop global warming because in 2023 the North Poles oceans and waters summer ice will be depleted to a stage where winters as we know them will be no more! Without winters us humans cannot survive on Earth as we now live! The tropics will extend throughout the whole planet without winters! We all will be living in climates that resemble Africa and Arizona! Either join my plan to end global warming or you all DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!


I have written a lot about global warming yet all of you act like we have no global warming at all! All of you talk about global warming but do nothing to stop it as all of you continue on with destroying our planet in numerous ways. Reality is obviously something all of you care not about. As the world disintegrates before your eyes you act like there is nothing to immediately care about. As the world spins into a whole new climate era that will lead to the chaos, destruction, suffering, death and the end of civilization and the world as we know it we continue on with our destructive lifestyles with no regard for our deadly ways of living. So let me try to install some facts into your uncaring minds about just what all of you face.

Let me ask all of you, do you think that the planet Earth can create winters as we have been experiencing for the last thousands of years if we have very little or no ice in the waters of the North Pole during the summers? Well I got some terrible news for all of you. It’s impossible to have winters as we known them if we have no ice or very little ice in the…

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With all the talk about what to do about global warming and also because of the fact that now our government is seeking ways to spend government money in order to stimulate the economy I thought I would offer all of you a new way to easily cut down on global warming by showing you a new way to transport yourselves and most anything else from point A to point B. This new transportation system can be easily and inexpensively be installed anywhere. This transportation system needs no roads and will have no accidents so everyone’s car insurance rates will come down along with lower health care cost and much less miseries and a lot more smiling faces and fuller pocketbooks! This new transportation system will be constructed from mostly discarded waste material so the cost will be low. This new transportation system will be lightweight and use very little energy to operate because most of its power will be supplied by solar and wind power which means that this new transportation system will be near pollution free thus drastically cutting down on global warming. This new transportation system will certainly enable people to get around willingly and safely thus encouraging more people to use it. This new transportation system will be nearly fully automatic so one can enter the comfortable, secured, safe, isolated, accident proof, air controlled, music and t.v. and snooze controls transport container made of of free discarded plastic, metals and glass. This new transportation system will be AI computer controlled that will enable you to enter a container made of discarded plastics and some metal. This container will hold 1-2 people comfortably. Containers can be hooked together for 3 or more people, families, groups or not too large or heavy packages. Upon entering or directing the container to a destination you will enter info into a AI computer that will take you or the packages to a certain destination. You can snooze, talk, work, play as you travel to wherever you go. These lightweight containers will enable you to go to work or shop or visit or tour or go to beach or park or go to and relax anywhere in whole urban area where you live. You will be able to either get in your car or ride your bike or skateboard or walk or run to the nearest main road where you can then park your car and hop on this new transportation system. The bike riders and others can take whatever else they need to enjoy their day of adventure in the area they live and put it on the containers that will transport them and all belongings to wherever they want to go. These containers will be comfortable inside with internet connection.

These containers will be move around on a rail system that is used at most factories and airports. The rail system I am referring to is those metal rails that have multiple little rollers on them that enable one to put packages or things on them and push them easily forward. Well, this new multi level roller rail transportation system will be built along or in the middle of major highways, roadways, waterways, alleys in…

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I made a posting a few postings ago that shows a picture of storms circulating over the Atlantic Ocean just off the eastern coast of the U.S.A.. I want to add some thoughts of mine to that posting.

First of all the photo shows how at this time in this global warming spiral that our planet is experiencing now, that nature reacts to what us humans are doing. We humans have since about 1960 been flying jet planes and rockets of all kinds. These jet planes have been vacuuming up our atmosphere every day since 1960! These jets also heat and pollute our atmosphere which causes our cloud and rain making apperatise to…

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Looking at this weather map makes you realize that with all the increasing fresh water in our oceans from melted ice worldwide worldwide and all the hot weather worldwide our world’s climate is going to be raining immensely in certain areas of Earth and dry in other areas if we don’t bring down Earth’s temperatures. Our planet’s atmosphere is picking up a lot of moisture from the Sun’s evaporation powers. More fresh water in the oceans can create one storm after another coming off of Africa and having that storm pick up power and moisture as it travels from Africa to the America’s where the storm hits land somewhere. The islands and coastlines are going to see a lot of damage yearly as these now more powerful storms take aim at the Puerto Rico area and then travel upwards towards the Gulf of Mexico or up the Eastern sea board. When late September or early October the big storms will one after another travel through the Central America area and wreck havoc like never before. America, you better get ready for a mass exodus of people fleeing the flooding from Central America hightailing it to America every year as this global warming situation we humans have created changes the weather patterns of Earth right before our eyes instead of years or decades from now! Folks, Mother Nature is going to give us a weather system unlike anything Earth has ever experience before! What we humans have created is a atmospheric recipe of heat and pollutants in our atmosphere which Mother Nature can only create situations that in reality is happenings in Nature that is leading to the end of life on Earth! Once our atmosphere is destroyed to a certain point life on Earth can no longer exist. You may think that just because today things haven’t reached the panic point but Mother Nature is showing us the problems we are creating and if we don’t fix this global warming problem then Mother Nature will take all that heat and pollutants we humans emit everyday and melt all the snow and glaciers worldwide. This is going on right now and by 2023 the North Pole will have no ice or very little ice in the oceans and water ways of the North Pole area. Mother Nature is immediately going to respond and yield much milder winters in the Northern Hemisphere. This will cause much less snow which means much less water from melting snow during Spring, Summer and Autumn. Many parts of the earth will have water problems. Many other things are going to go wrong as Mother Nature takes us all on a path to the end of life on Earth which is going on right now if you ALL would wake up and see reality! Or you can ALL die within a decade or two as the Earth’s atmosphere collapses and all life ends on Earth as it has on Mars, Venus and who knows where else! Sun’s have a way of giving life and taking life! What do you want to do everybody, do you want to live or die!


As the world foolishly gawks and cheers at the marvels of it’s destruction as another extremely hot (3200 degrees) and polluting (tons of pollutants) man made object called a rocket is blasted from ground zero and shot through our most precious and most needed and most vulnerable and most easiest to destroy part of our planet, that part of the Earth that gives us our life, our clouds, our rain, our oxygen, the upper atmosphere, where certain temperatures where maintained by nature until us humans decided to fly these hot rockets and also switch from flying propeller airplanes and switch to these very hot and very polluting and very strong and very gigantic vacuum cleaners called jet planes!

With all the rockets of all kinds that we have launched and continue to launch and all the jets that we have flown it’s no wonder we have global warming! We can easily and permanently end global warming in 1-3 months if we all stop using rockets of all kinds and stop flying jets of all kinds! If we all did this our atmosphere would immediately cool down which would stop the melting of Earth’s…

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In my opinion I believe, and all of you too should believe if you care to live much longer on this planet, that it is about time that we stop giving money to those that are destroying our planet the most! Rockets are the hottest devise that emits heat that we humans put into our atmosphere. I’ve already numerous times have requested from the government and aero space industry and the environmental organizations and others for the data that shows just how hot and what happens to hot exhaust as it leaves rockets. How far does the exhaust heat and pollutants travel from the exhaust areas of rockets and how does that heat and pollutants interact with other molecules last as it travels through our atmosphere? How all this affects global warming is being ignored as we fly numerous jet planes and rockets into our atmosphere. I read where there is about 440 tons of jet fuel to fly every Space X rocket!

The revenue collected from the sales of products at Telsa Motors and Amazon.com go toward the building of rockets! These two companies are responsible for putting massive amounts of heat into our atmosphere which it appears that to affect our amount of heat we have to deal with in these days of global warming! I feel that the ONLY way we can lower the temperature of the temperature of our atmosphere is to stop flying…

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In my opinion I believe we must boycott ALL business operations of Amazon.com and Tesla Motors because both companies profits are helping to make rockets which I believe is the MAIN cause of why our planet Earth in the last 15 years has been heating up more faster than the normal fast pace it was on since the 1960’s. We are at the end of the Ice Age, at the end game of what to do about global warming! Once there is no ice in the North Pole’s oceans during summer months then that is the end of the Ice Age! Do you understand what that means? That means there will be no more seasons as we know them! There will only be a very long hot period of the year followed by a short period of say 2-3 months of cooler weather because the Earth will no longer have massive amounts of snow or ice on the planet anywhere to provide cold enough air for our atmosphere to use to create an atmospheric environment for clouds to be produce snow but will instead create rain. But lack we so to create water and shade to enable all life to live on Earth! Without clouds life cannot exist on Earth! No more snow in most areas as it is replaced by rain. It’s been reported lately that there is at this moment very little ice in many areas of the North Pole. As the 24 hour Sun starts it’s 6 month cook up of the North Pole watch how our world’s environment starts to change. As we humans continue to add heat from the many sources of heat we create the atmosphere will continue to dry up and there will be less clouds. If we were to stop adding heat to our atmosphere then our planet would create clouds and then rain which both actions of clouds and rain helping to cool the planet. But heat will make it impossible to create big enough clouds that would create rain unless that rain system is produced on Earth in a very little area while more bigger areas of the Earth is experiencing no clouds. If we can shut down the rockets and the jet planes we use then the planet’s cold molecules increase. By us humans not using rockets or jet planes anymore will allow our atmosphere to balance out the hot and cold molecules of the Earth. Once we get Earth back onto a balanced atmosphere the atmospheric cloud producing mechanism will kick in big time! We have massive amounts of fresh water entering our oceans from all the melting ice and snow world wide. This water we MUST do EVERYTHING possible to save it or ALL that water will either be evaporated or turned into clouds and hopefully rain. If the clouds appear that means that there is more water molecules in that part of the sky and the Sun hadn’t sucked up another batch of water molecules from the Earth where that evaporated water molecules will never be seen on Earth again! If those Sun caused evaporated water molecules turn into clouds then they benefit the planet by providing shade from the Sun. Go to any of the hot areas of the planet and see hot nice it is to have clouds! Millions of years ago the planet had no ice anywhere or very little. Alaska is said to have green vegetation growing in it’s area of the planet. That means that warm weather can go all the way to the North and South Poles when there is no massive amounts of ice or snow on the planet to provide cold molecules so to create a climate pattern like we have today. There most like will be very little snow in most parts of the world. After all if most of the planet is going to be hot like Florida or Arizona in about 2024 by then and since when have you seen snow in either of those states? What are ALL of you going to do for water when NOW you rely on melting snowfall for water during dry times.

Since the late 1950’s us humans have been flying rockets. Also about in the late 1950’s us humans started switching to flying jet planes instead of propeller planes. Jet planes are sucking up the moisture out of our atmosphere which causes there to be less atmospheric pressure because water vapor molecules act like pressure producing molecules which create an ideal atmospheric environment where the cold molecules from space meet with the warmer molecules emitted ONLY…

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I am very concern and all of you should be too! We just had a meeting of our world leaders and NO ONE has put forward a plan to end global warming that would end global warming! All talk and no action! All of you folks don’t have a clue on what to do to end global warming! And if we don’t do something immediately then in 2023 our nightmares begin for in 2023 we will be entering a whole new climate era, a climate era where there will be no more winters as we have known them, that is unless you do what I say. And I am telling you the truth! The people of the world ae not set up for what is going to happen in 2023 and ALL OF YOU don’t understand or comprehend all that you will face come 2023 and thereafter. President Biden and his administration totally ignore me in every way. They don’t take my calls or answer my questions to them so I ask you too the same questions. Just what are you folks going to do to end global warming? What are you going to do come 2023 when there will be no more snow or very little snow in most areas of the planet during the 2 months of winter we will have around the planet where you live? The rest of the year you will be getting rain only because it will be too warm all over the planet because in 2023 there will be very little or no more cold ice in the waters in the oceans and water ways of the North Pole. Hot air like Arizona or Florida will progress it’s way up North as the heat molecules of the planet overpowers the cold molecules of the planet. The last time the Earth was without ice and snow the warmed of the planet extended all the way up into the North Pole and South Pole! The hot Sun shining all day for six months a year on the North Pole and then the South Pole for six months will make our air and water of our Earth warmer. We have to immediately shut down all sources of heat entering our atmosphere so that we can survive on a warmer planet with a warmer environment! We either do it right or the Sun will take over our atmosphere and destroy it!

You see folks, our atmosphere is really a game of chemistry between the hot and cold molecules. We humans have tipped the scale in favor of adding to more hot molecules to our environment and taken away more cold molecules with our melting of the ice on our planet. This is the main reason we have global warming. Since the beginning of Earth the planet always had an atmosphere that created clouds and rain which…

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