
Earth Day… countdown to DEATH DAY! As the world stands in ignorance as the end of life on Earth in 20 years stares at it from the Sun whose history has shown that it can coble up any planet all the people ponder on what to do. As the Ice Age ends in 2023 as no more summer ice floats in Arctic’s oceans due to Russia’s attempts to warm up their whole country every year with multiple military maneuvers across their whole country that added much warmed to their area of the Earth which caused the weakest ice on Earth, permafrost, to melt and flow into the oceans in the Arctic. This permafrost melting water entering the oceans has been going on since the 1950’s when humans started flying jet engine planes instead of propeller planes. Also humans in the 1950’s started using rockets. Today we are shooting up rockets every week and flying over 100,000 military and passenger jets a day worldwide everyday! The heat of the rockets exhaust ranged as hot as the SUN for the SPACE SHUTTLE and around 5800 F for rockets. Jets are gigantic vacuum and heating machines that sucking up our molecules in our atmosphere which the planet needs to create keep Earth’s washing machine and water maker running which are clouds and rain. The heat of the exhaust from jet planes ranges from 800 to 1200 for passenger jets and from 1200 to 2500 degrees for military jets. Jets can suck up, heat up and pollute enough air about every 2 minutes to fill an enclosed Super Bowl stadium. The pollutants emitted by jet planes do not mix well with molecules that are normally in our atmosphere. This causes less inclination for clouds and rain. Our Earth’s atmospheric washing machine molecule mechanism has been under attack since the industrial revolution. However in the 1950’s we humans upped our attack on our Earth’s atmospheric cloud and rain making molecule apparatuses with jets and rockets. Then lately in the last 10 years we started increasing the amount of rockets flown yearly which caused more hot air in our atmosphere.

The warmer waters from melted ice from the poles travel around the globe and as they melt the South Pole’s ice in 2025 it will begin to collapse in mass. Then waters throughout the world will flood the low lying areas of the planet. People will drown and nuclear plants will be destroyed and it’s radioactive waste polluting the world’s oceans and water ways. Civilization will collapse as everyone and every animal thereafter will forever…

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Wake up everybody and save your planet Earth, before you all die! The Ice Age is OVER! Russia and China have been doing all they can to induce more global warming and now the permafrost is melting big time in the Russian area of the planet and now the gasses that were tramped under the permafrost of the Artic region of the planet are now leaking into our atmosphere. We have to power up our cloud making ability of Nature and make it rain worldwide as much as possible so that we can have nature use rain to wash these gasses out of our atmosphere. It’s our ONLY hope for survival! Rain has been cleaning up all that nature has thrown at it and now we must get this washing machine called clouds up and raining constantly so that our atmosphere is cleaned out. The rain will wash the gasses out of the atmosphere so let’s get to work and save ourselves or we will all DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Get this melted ice water collected and refreeze it during the winter months and place the refrozen water back onto the places where it can be useful in preserving the Ice Age! WE can preserve the Ice Age if we keep collecting the water from melted ice water and then refreezing the water during winter months. Put the refrozen water in areas where the ice will assist the winds of the North Pole to become colder. Also lay ice blocks in valleys that have ice glaciers. Hang ice blocks over ice glaciers to help keep them cold. Cover all glaciers and areas with ice or snow with sea weed, pot plants or other vegetation that will decay in water easily if it ends up in the water. But do something! Don’t just stand there and talk about the problem of global warming and do nothing! We either save what ever there is of the Ice Age or we are going to face the consequences of not doing anything in about 2-3 years when all the ice in the waters of the North Pole is there no more for about 6-8 months of the year. When that happens then planet Earth will progress into a whole new weather pattern that will wreck havoc on Earth! I’ll tell you about that soon. It scares me that the scientist and experts of the world don’t have a clue on what is going on and how to avert the catastrophes all of you will face soon. I will show you how to avert these catastrophes and what to do as they happen. Sadly no one else is telling you. I tried to get President Biden and Vice President Harris to listen to what I say but they ignore me in every way. So if any of you agree with anything I say please get them and anyone else to take a look at what I say and what I say you all have to do. I hope to soon to set up Go Fund Me accounts to do some of the things I write about. I’ll keep you posted on my efforts. Don’t have a clue on how to do it all but seeing that none of you care to do what has to be done I guess I’ll give it my best shot before that ole big toaster oven bakes me into dust as it does for all of us poor people as we drift into the sunset of life. Good luck to you all, you’re screwed! You all don’t have a clue on what is happening or any idea on what to do about what problems you face!


We can solve the problem of global warming melting the ice of the world by when ever possible to take the water after it has melted and collect it somehow in containment. Attach vacuum pumps to suck up ponds and streams of melted ice water and collect the water. Then store the melted water somehow and refreeze it during the dark cold days or winter. You would need to refreeze the water into curved blocks of ice with many twisting portholes so to allow wind to travel through the blocks. Take the blocks of refrozen ice water and assemble them in a hanging vines of some kind that we will hang in all mountain ranges with glaciers worldwide. We will hang these blocks of ice a few feet or so above the glaciers so to provide a cushion of cold air year round to keep the glaciers cold which will greatly stop them from further melting more. Tilled the blocks so that melted water is collected and stored for future refreezing. Take long hoses to transfer the water to different areas. Use helicopters when needed for assistance. Helicopters can vacuum up the water into other helicopters that can collect the water and then move it to a ship or land where it can be stored until winter when the melted ice water will be refrozen. I’ll write more about this later. But we have to IMMEDIATELY start doing this NOW! Doing this is the ONLY way we are going to preserve whatever benefits the Ice Age has given us humans and all other life. Soon when their is no more ice in the waters of the North Pole in the Winter months there will also be no more winters as we now know them and a whole new weather system will overtake the world. We will then be in a world where tropical hot weather being experienced right now at the Equator regions of the world will extend all the way up into northern Canada area. We will have no more snow or very little snow in most places as rain replaces snow. This means no more water from melting snow covered mountains. This means many dry streams, creeks, rivers and lakes during times of no rain. Animals and those people that rely on getting water from melting snow will be getting a lot less water. All the water on Earth is going through a process where the Sun will constantly bake the Earth with it’s hot rays and try to evaporate water. As the Sun rays reach the Earth’s atmosphere the battle begins! The Sun is out to take all the water from our planet as Suns have done with many planets like Mars and Venus. Our atmosphere creates clouds that prevents the Sun from taking all the water from our planet. However we humans have created these jet engine airplanes that are actually gigantic powerful vacuum machines that heat and pollute the very air that is needed to create clouds! We are also sending up numerous rockets worldwide which is greatly adding to the amount of heat in our atmosphere! We can end global warming in 1-3 months if everyone in the world would stop flying rockets of all kinds and stop using jet planes of all kinds. We can easily go back to using propeller airplanes for air travel. It’s either you do as I say or you will all die within 20 years as all heel breaks loose worldwide as the new climate you humans are about to face will start in about 2-3 years when there is no more ice in the North Poles waters during Summer months. This will cause the waters of the oceans to warm up drastically. This will cause the South Pole to melt faster. This will cause the South Pole’s ice to be melted enough to have massive blocks of ice in the South Pole to go crashing into the water. Notice how ice cubes float in your drink? Think about that BIG ice cube that the South Pole got ready for us humans to enjoy! The tidal waves will take out cities worldwide! Islands will be gone in a minute! Welcome to your new world! Thought I’d give you all a glimpse of it before it knocks all of you on your asses! Now what are you going to do about it! I tried to get President Biden and Vice President and President to be Harris to listen to me but they choose to ignore me. You all better not ignore me and do what I say or you can all bend over and kiss your asses goodbye! Read my Facebook Page at https://www.facebook.com/ron.mccune.3 to see more details about this subject and more.


Read to see how to permanently and easily end global warming. This article shows that we better all join in a plan that will surely end global warming immediately before it’s too late. The Earth is a planet that has an atmosphere that allows us humans and all other life to live here. This atmosphere must be maintained properly or it can be destroyed and then all life on Earth couldn’t exist. Us humans have…

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This article shows that we better all join in a plan that will surely end global warming immediately before it’s too late. The Earth is a planet that has an atmosphere that allows us humans and all other life to live here. This atmosphere must be maintained properly or it can be destroyed and then all life on Earth couldn’t exist. Us humans have got to understand that the area of the sky where clouds form and everything above those clouds to the outermost part of this atmospheric bubble that surrounds the Earth and allows all life to live on this planet must be left alone and shall not in any way have any kind of device, object, plane, rocket or anything else up there that would heat up or vacuum up anything at all which would naturally be air! That air from the clouds on up is Earth’s cooling system and cloud and rain making system. Warning! Don’t mess with that system that Mother Nature has created on Earth that allows clouds and rain to be made for if you do, which you have done already, you will have devastating results which we are having right now. We humans have destroyed the Ice Age and I got some bad news for all of you. The Ice Age is over and in about 2023 there will be very little if any floating ice in the waters of the North Pole region from the months of March to December about. Less cold air and more hot air in our atmosphere will result in the balance of hot and cold molecules in our atmosphere worldwide. As these massive amounts of hot molecules move around the globe they will cause massive storms and droughts in certain areas. As we keep putting jet planes heated exhaust, which is 800 to 2500 degrees, and rockets heated exhaust which can reach 5800 degrees, we have created more heat into that area of the clouds and the area above it which is not good at all because that part of our planet holds the most important part of our planet, our Mother Nature’s clouds and rain making apparatus. Then these jet planes we use also are gigantic vacuum machines and we are flying more than 100,000 of these military and commercial flights around the globe daily vacuuming up all that needed moist molecules that Mother Nature needs to make clouds and then heating up those molecules that Mother Nature needed to make clouds and then rain and then polluting those molecules so bad that those molecules can’t make a cloud molecule any more! That allows more of the Sun’s hot rays to reach the Earth and thus helps increase global warming! Since the late 1950’s we have sent about 5038 rockets into space. That’s a lot of heat! Our Earth’s atmosphere gets only so many cold molecules from space and from the ice and snow on Earth. If everybody on Earth would immediately stop flying all kinds of rockets of all kinds and stop flying jet engine airplanes of all kinds then the Earth’s temperature would stop getting so hot where it causes the global warming problems we now face. That would be so because once we stop flying jet planes and rockets then the Earth’s cloud making apperatise would increase and create clouds in mass because of the condition Earth is is now with all that is happening. These new massive amount of clouds would block the Sun’s rays which would also cool the Earth. Then these massive amounts of clouds would create massive amounts of rain which would help people to be able to grow crops and live in a new world’s climate that Mother Nature will be creating from the actions we humans create for Mother Nature to have to deal with as it evolves from what it is given to evolve into what it will be! The future is yours to create everybody! But a warning! You better do it right! You are leaving the Ice Age and entering a whole new age that could result in a very beautiful place or the end of all life on Earth as Mother Nature’s cloud and rain making apperatise is destroyed for good because of human activity. There could come a point in the near future where fires and droughts destroy enough trees and vegetation worldwide so that there isn’t enough trees and vegetation on Earth to create the molecules in mass that are necessary for the atmosphere to create clouds. Once that happens then the Sun will just bake all life and water off of the planet as the Sun has done to Venus, Mars and Mercury! Wise up folks and save yourselves! Stop flying rockets and jet planes! Go back to flying propeller airplanes! They don’t vacuum up and heat up and pollute like jet planes do! Doing these two things would drastically slow global warming to the point of stopping it! Then if we were to also stop using combustion engine vehicles and start using electric vehicles we would surely end global warming. Of course we would also have to do other things like plugging up all leaking gas lines, remaking chimneys and exhaust towers so that more heat and polluting particles aren’t being emitted into the air. This could be easily done with new ways of thinking and devises. We also have to redo our dwellings so that they are better insulated but that is all stuff we can do after we stop the major reasons for global warming which is rockets and jet planes. So what do you say everybody? You want to save yourselves or watch your world go through a hell on Earth in 2023 as the Ice Age ends and a whole new climate for the planet is created!



Read https://www.facebook.com/ron.mccune.3 to see plans on how to easily end global warming forever if everybody on Earth stop flying all kinds of rockets, stop flying all kinds of jet planes and stop using combustion engine vehicles! Doing these few things will bring down the heat in our atmosphere enough for the Earth to cool down enough so that our planet can adjust to that new temperature and get life back to where it was before…

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This article says it all! Read https://www.facebook.com/ron.mccune.3 to see more about global warming and how to easily stop global warming immediately! Rockets are the number one cause of global warming because rockets are the only thing that we are putting into our upper atmosphere that is extremely hot! Jet engine airplanes are another major cause of global warming but rockets are much more harmful. The temperatures of rockets exhaust can reach 3200 celsius or 5800 fahrenheit. The temperature of jet airplanes ranges from 800 degrees to 1200 for passenger jets and 1200 to 2500 degrees fahrenheit for military jets. Check out flightradar24.com to see how many plane flights worldwide there are at that moment. Now that sight doesn’t include military planes at all. Before the coronavirus situation we were every day flying about 9000 flights a day across America. Worldwide there was about 90,000 flights a day. On the internet it says that were 5038 rockets ever launched worldwide! That’s a lot of heat and pollution! I read where SpaceX rockets use 440 tons of fuel that pollutes and heats up our environment! The hot exhaust from rockets and jets is what is causing our environment to heat up so much as well as causing our environmental cloud and rain making apperatise to malfunction badly to the point of breakdown of the system. Once Mother Nature’s cloud and rain making molecules system is no longer in the atmosphere enough then it stops working forever and then life on Earth cannot exist anymore because then the Sun will evaporate all the water from the cloudless and rainless planet and all life will die. That is where our planet’s future is headed unless we stop it now! The Ice Age is over in 2023 as the North Poles ice completely melts during spring, summer and fall months. A new climate era starts in 2024 so yo better bring Earth’s temperatures down now so to cool the planet. Rockets and jet engine airplanes started flying in the late 1950’s. In the 1960’s rockets and jet planes really started to become more in use worldwide. In the late 1960’s we started feeling that the planet’s was getting warmer. By the mid 1970’s we were talking about global warming. During the 1970’s many more people worldwide were flying jet planes and rockets and automobiles. During the 1980’s and on the world was talking non stop about global warming in a big way because it was obvious that are planet was warming up! So when you wonder why there is global warming think about all the heat we put into our atmosphere from rockets and jet planes and combustion engine automobiles! Stop flying rockets and jet engine airplane and stop using combustion engine cars and we will effectively slow down global warming drastically enough so that global warming wouldn’t be a problem no more! Ever! Global warming would end because rockets and jet planes are the main reason why there is intense heat in the upper atmosphere. Hot air molecules emitted by factories and other places on Earth don’t have the same heat density once they reach the upper atmosphere as when the heat from rockets and jet planes do. Factories heat emissions temperatures lessen as it leaves smokestacks. The heat from jets and rockets are released into a part of our Earth’s environment where is is very important to maintain a certain temperature. Now us humans have been messing with Mother nature in a big way ever since the industrial revolution started in the late 1800’s. Heck we were using coal as our main source of fuel for years. During winters the snow would have a blackish dotted look to it as the snow pulled coal residue out of the atmosphere as the fell from the clouds to the Earth. We even had World War one and two and no global warming! And the industrial revolution that started in the late 1800’s was polluting the planet and environment heavily! Yet we had no global warming then! It wasn’t until we put heat up into the upper atmosphere where the only cold Mother nature gets is from the cold of other space and the cold from the ice and snow on Earth. The temperature of our upper atmosphere is around 32 degrees below zero. Rockets heat range can reach 5800 degrees fahrenheit. How is a 32 degree below zero molecule able to stay 32 degrees below zero when that molecule encounters molecules that range from 800 degrees to 5800 degrees! Really folks, use your common sense! Stop heating up the upper atmosphere and global warming will end! Rockets and jets are the only hot things we humans send into the upper atmosphere! Stop doing it and global warming ends! It’s as simple as that! Now stop flying rockets and jet planes so we can end global warming once and for all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Folks, I will show you how to end global warming in 1-3 months. And you better do as I say because you don’t have any more time to waste! We are at the end of the Ice Age we were in and in about 3 years the North Pole region and its waterways and oceans will not have any more ice or snow on its surfaces during the 6 month long 24/7 Sun Bake ritual in Northern Hemisphere region of the North Pole. The whole world’s weather system will be changing in about 3 years folks. So get ready for the roughest ride of your lives! You think coronavirus times are bad just wait and see what Mother Nature got cookin up for you in your new cesspool that you created for Mother Nature to deal with as Mother Nature readjust its capabilities accordingly to our new heated up, polluted atmosphere you created for Mother Nature to operate in. What are you going to call this new era we are going to be in in about 3 years. I’ll tell you what it’s going to be! It’s going to be a Hell on Earth and the only way you can prevent this Hell on Earth from happening is for you to do what I say that will end global warming in 1-3 months with results showing up within days from starting what I say you need to do! First of all to show you the urgency of the matter I talk about. Just think about this, Polar Bears sleep all winter and come out of a winter long hibernation in the spring and go looking for ice floats to go hunting for seals and other food. In about 3 years there is not going to be any more ice pieces floating around the Oceans of the North Pole region from about April till late November. Snow or ice glaciers or mountain top snow or ice or snow anywhere in the North Pole region every year from now on will be scarce and not last all year long when the Sun is up.!!!!! It’s over folks! Our Ice Age era is history soon and that is the situation that our situation is in. Now about those Polar Bears and ALL the other animals and mammals and of course you humans just what are we going to do? What are we going to do when Polar Bears only have a dusting of snow on the ground till late time every year to hibernate in? Do we build a Polar Bear igloo to hibernate in? How are Polar Bears going to get on ice to go hunting for seals and other food? Should we build floating wood rafts for them to paddle around in and maybe give them fishing poles? Are we going to set up a drive thru lane at McDonalds and other places for Polar Bears to get take out food or are you going to let them invite themselves to a garbage can near you! Come on folks, we need some answers to our problems now! What are you going to do when the mountains have no more snow or ice and summers become a 24/7 hot environment where first creeks then streams then rivers

and then lakes disappear if not reblemshed by a very lot of rain. This causes plant life to suffer and maybe die from lack of water and animals suffer and flee to other areas to live like maybe your front door or refrigerator begging for food or taking it. What are you going to do when birds leave for better pastures and insects rule the day as the world’s environment favors their species. For insects…

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You know what really blows my mind about things is how folks talk about happenings but don’t do anything to solve whatever problem they see. It’s like you folks like to just sit there and watch life’s disasters and pay no attention or concern or need to solve your oncoming problems. You folks have a difficult time facing the realities you will face!

Concerning this article. It’s interesting, isn’t it? Now what are you going to do about it? What’s it you may say or do about what you may say or what can you do you may say but that not the answer we need. I need to know what are you going to do about all these massive amounts of insects that will soon be a more common thing if global warming keeps going higher which…

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This article shows the force that water has in moving large objects like icebergs and how we can control the directional movements and preservation of icebergs! It also gave me an idea on how maybe we can save the ice and water of the Earth from the hot rays of the Sun’s heat and evaporational powers! And while I’m yaking I’ll even show you how to decrease your electric bill while showing you another way to preserve the world’s ice, snow and water which is very important information which to this day hasn’t been done yet! WHY?

If you look at how that iceberg traveled towards the island you’ll notice the ocean’s water currents undertow I think they are called pushing against the island created a pool of water force that turned that iceberg into another direction and hopefully is stirring that iceberg away from that island. If that was possible then we should be able to stir icebergs by applying stirring forces of some sort to guild icebergs to where we…

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