
Just as miners use canaries when mining to insure that there is enough air to breathe butterflies are the insects that are our above ground canary in the cage watched alert system and the whole world heeds not the warnings as the butterflies and many other species lives are forever gone because of our greed and selfishness due to our polluting lifestyles but instead read and talk about it and do nothing to stop the damage they do! Butterflies fly around a lot and look for food. Butterflies wings take in a lot more heat during global warming times. Then Butterflies are very picky eaters and won’t eat food not good for them. We have polluted their food and heated up their flights and temporary living places that they need to survive. Birds and butterflies are having a rough time flying in heated weather. Go run a mile on a very hot day and you’ll see. Try running a hundreds to thousands of miles in the heat with no good amount of food or water and you’ll feel some pain of going forward. Do that everyday and you’ll have walked a mile in the butterflies shoes and see the misery we caused them! Wake up everybody! The animal and insect world is collapsing because of environmental damage and we need big solutions immediately initiated to stop the destruction of our planet! Planet Earth can only take so much damage before Mother Nature’s life support system of clouds and rain starts shutting down and it’s too late to stop that shut down! I told you how to immediately stop global warming and you ignore me. I worn you of what will happen if you don’t stop it. You better listen to what I have to say! Once the clouds are gone we and all live are gone! Our planet Earth is in a evolutionary process unlike anything Earth has ever experience. I will lay out the evolutionary cycle soon. But think not what title I hold or education I have. Just look at the facts of what I say. You better get your act together and save yourselves!


Sadly in about 10-25 years it will be the lack of water that will drive all animals AND HUMANS on Earth on a wild goose chase as all animals AND HUMANS will search the Earth for water because in about 10-25 years the world’s ice glaciers and snow covered mountains will be all gone as well as the North and South Poles! Streams,creeks and rivers will all dry up because there will be less rain worldwide and no more melted ice and snow water runoff. Once the poles, glaciers and snow covered mountains are gone the Earth will go onto the next stage of the several world wide environmental changes it is now currently going through. Once the world hits the stage where there is no more ice covered North and South Poles and no more glaciers and snow covered mountains then the Earth will enter a stage where the Earth will not be able to produce enough clouds worldwide to shield the Earth from the Sun. Also the clouds that you see will not be enough to produce rain as clouds are then reverted into being just environmental water sponges in the sky sucking water off the Earth and waiting for the Sun to evaporate and make that water disappear from the Earth forever! This process will go on till all water on the surface of the Earth is evaporated by the Sun. Now there is only one way to stop this disaster that is happening now and will get a lot worse in about 6-12 years. Read http://www.facebook.com/ron.mccune.3 to see what you are going to have to do to save Earth. Or you can bend over and kiss your asses goodbye in about 25 years!


Wake up to reality folks! Your planet is dying before your eyes! The world’s climate conditions are under attack from us humans polluting lifestyles and in about 15-30 years our world’s atmosphere will drastically change from how it is now and how it was for the last millions of years. As much as there are major changes happening today to our world’s climates what we will face in the future will scare the hell out of all of you no matter what political party you are and no matter what you may or may not believe about global warming! The weakest part of the ice system on Earth is permafrost. Hot weather easily melts permafrost. Since the 1960’s on the Russian side of the Arctic Ocean the permafrost in Russia was melting at a more unusual rapid pace. This daily melted permafrost water from Russia has since the 1960’s been draining from the lands of Russia into the Arctic Ocean where it then started to melt the ice in the North Pole. There are videos out there showing the yearly progress of the ice melting in the North Pole. In the videos you can see the draining permafrost water yearly melting the North Pole ice. Over the years this former permafrost now melted warmer water was circulating around the North Pole where it then melted much more ice. This warmer water then started circulating around the globe where it started melting the South Pole. As waves reached out into the atmosphere and took in another gulp of now hotter air in our global warming era the oceans water got warmer worldwide from the hotter air and melted permafrost and melted ice. I wish that our government and NASA would start paying more attention to this planet than other planets and figure out just what is happening here on Earth than waste our tax money and much needed scientific work on things that are going on in outer space because these glaciers melting is a sign of very bad things to come! Think about this, what happens when in about 10-20 years when all the Earth’s glaciers will have melted. ALL people, animals and plant life that rely on water from streams, rivers and lakes will soon have no more water! Our atmosphere will have less humidity which will mean less clouds which will mean less rain which will mean more areas of the world will be without water! As life around the world goes into chaos because there is enough water to plant food or food or water to feed people and animals the world’s order will come to an end! The Sun daily shines on our planet and heats up everything on Earth and as it does it causes water molecules on Earth to evaporate into the sky. That evaporated water molecule somehow can somehow bunch together with other evaporated water molecules where it can form clouds and hopefully rain. If the evaporated water molecules don’t form clouds or form clouds that don’t produce rain then those evaporated water molecules forever disappear! The Sun can and will will make all the water on Earth evaporate as Suns have done numerous times throughout the universe. So you folks better start doing something now to stop global warming because in about 10 t0 25 years the Earth’s environment will no longer be able to support life as we know it. This is a warning, is anybody listening? Does anybody care?


I always say to understand nature you must understand it’s molecules. A rooms temperature can be easily controlled if we control the temperature of the molecules in the room. If we put wall paper like wrappings on the walls and ceilings that prevent the transfer of hot or cold temperature this would eliminate the ability for rooms to get cold or hot from walls. Then if we put in these Cool Tube walls in rooms that cool and heat then we will have an enclosed environment where the outside air temperature doesn’t affect the inside air temperature. Then if we also make furniture and beds with the Cool Tube design we could sit and sleep comfortably inside. Then if we were to put fans that pushed that warmed or cold air around the room we would have a comfortable room. WE could even make better Cool Tubes that use the energy of the Sun and wind to also help cool and heat the room. We could make towers of Sun heated and night air cooled water or oil towers that we use to circulate water or oil to be heated or cooled and then circulated throughout the Cool Tube and furniture. The Cool Tube walls and furniture could have connecting systems that allows them to be moved in the room or to any other dwelling if one decides to move. People could actually start their own companies now and get rich selling these new type of walls that heat and cool. Plus these Cool Walls are actually much better for our environment because they don’t subtract water content from our Earth’s humidity which is good because the Earth needs all the humidity it can get so that the Earth can create clouds which are the Earth’s ONLY defence against the hot rays of the Sun and also clouds are Earths ONLY rain/water producing thing on our planet! Without clouds we are doomed! We have a much worse global warming problem now because the Earth doesn’t have enough clouds to stop the Sun’s hot rays! Get ALL rooms worldwide enclosed in Cool Tubes and we will see the planet get cooler. Stop flying those gigantic cigar shape vacuum/heating and polluting machines we call jet engine airplanes and start again flying propeller airplanes we would immediately start seeing a cooler planet. Jet planes exhaust temperatures ranges from 800 to 1200 degrees for passenger planes and from 1200 to 2500 degrees for military planes. Plus they pollute our atmosphere! ALL of us on Earth live in this bubble that we call an atmosphere that surrounds this floating gigantic rock we live on called Earth! The cool air molecules of outer space invades our bubble daily but it is only so cold. I read where the temperature in the upper atmosphere use to be around 32 degrees below zero. But us humans have been putting up these jet planes and also rockets which is heating up our bubble. We either stop it now or soon all the ice and snow on Earth will have melted and we are then in for a whole new weather pattern worldwide which we will not like! Also we have to stop driving combustion engine vehicles and start using electric vehicles or other means of transportation. If we stop using rockets, jet engine planes and combustion engine planes then the Earth’s humininty would increase and clouds would form and then there would be less of the Sun’s hot rays reaching the Earth. Then we need to Cool Cube our homes. Doing all this will surely end this global warming problem without even having to shut down any industries pollution problems!


. It’s time all of us take a realistic look at global warming so that we can fiqure out what is causing it and how to stop global warming. Back in 1960’s jet engine airplanes starting replacing propeller airplanes. Also at the time period China started it’s massive industrial buildup which led to massive pollution and heat being emitted into the atmosphere. Then at that time in the 1960’s air conditioning world wide started up in mass production. Add to the global warming problem automobiles which was also being used worldwide in mass quantities. This all added up to more heat being put into this bubble we humans live in called Earth’s atmosphere. We humans and the rest of life on Earth have been living in this bubble quite well for millions of years. However when you mess with this bubble we live in then just take a look around and see if you can find another floating rock in the universe where there is a life system that we humans and all other life can live on. There isn’t any and if you were to find one it would be impossible for us humans to live on because it is impossible for us humans to transport our bodies through space for long periods of time. We don’t have the body to survive in weightlessness and we don’t possess the intelligence or ability to make all the equipment that will be needed to create machines that let us get to and live on another planet. And then the cost alone and the amount of people it would take to achieve that goal of living on other planets would be too much for all of us on Earth to do! So we better take care of what rock in space we live on because no matter what NASA and others say as they try to pick your pocket for more money for their pie in the sky dreams about space travel this is the only place in the universe we are going to be able to live so wake up and face reality! The combination of all the things I mentioned above that started happening in the 1960’s started a chain reaction that resulted in the catastrophe we are in today. All that heat released into this bubble we live in resulted in the unbalancing of the hot and cold molecules that are everywhere from the ground up to the most outer part of the bubble we all live in called Earth’s atmosphere. Now this balancing of hot and cold molecules are very important to maintaining life on Earth. For great things happen like clouds and rain when these molecules are balanced just right. And I say history shows that we humans and all other life on this rock we call Earth didn’t have any problems living on this rock we call Earth for billions of years. But now we so called intelligent people have decided that we can do what we want and think we can live on this planet with no problem after we do what we do! Well I hate to burst your bubble and wake you from the dream world you all live in make you face reality but you are in very deep trouble. You see since the 1960’s when us humans started flying jet engine airplanes and rockets and weaponized rockets as well as driving all those combustion engine cars and running all these air conditioners we have in effect unbalanced the balance of hot and cold molecules in the bubble we live in and that resulted in the Earth’s weather systems to be changed in such a way that now with the hot molecules overpowering the cold molecules in this bubble we live in the battle between the Earth and the Sun for existence of life on Earth will be won by the Sun as it cooks our paradise we call Earth into another one of the billions lifeless planets in the universe. Yes folks, there is a battle between the Earth and the Sun. The Earth is trying to do things that allow us humans and all other life to live here. The Earth can create clouds that shield the Sun’s hot rays from cooking the Earth into areas that like deserts or other planets. In fact clouds are Earth’s only shield from the Sun’s hot rays. Without the clouds there is no rain. Without rain there would be no water. Without the clouds constantly raining somewhere on Earth then the Earth’s waters would all evaporate from the rays of the Sun. Without the right amount of moisture in the atmosphere there would be no rain. When you see clouds that yield no rain you are looking at water being evaporated and disappearing forever from the Earth forever by the Sun’s hot heat waves. It’s not good for the Earth to lose water when it is not producing rain! And all the things we humans have been doing since the 1960’s with jet planes, rockets, combustion engine vehicles and air conditioning it has resulted in much more heat in our bubble we call Earth’s atmosphere. This resulted in the Earth’s temperature to rise which affected the cold and hot ballance of molecules and the hot molecules started overpowering the Earth’s cold molecules. The earth’s temperature started rising in the 1960’s and the first chain of disastrous events started unfolding in the Russian part of the Earth in it’s permafrost region. Folk,s permafrost is the easiest form of ice to melt. And when the earth’s temperature rose just a little it was enough to start the melting of all that ice in the area in Russia where the permafrost was. Well when that permafrost melted it turned to water and all that water started draining into the seas and ocean around that part of Russia. Ever since the 1960’s when this melting of Russia’s permafrost started happening this melted permafrost water was draining into the North Pole region and slowly year after year has been melting the ice in the North Pole. There are photos that I have seen that were posted on the internet by some gov’t or someone that showed that this was happening from the 1960’s to modern time! As the warmer melted permafrost water melted the North Pole’s waters that water traveled through the water current travelling around the world and warmed up the waters of the South Pole area. This caused the waters of the Earth to become warmer which then put the Earth into new weather patterns which are dictated by environmental conditions. That is the condition that our Earth is in today. If we continue on the way we are going then in about 10-15 years all or most of the ice in the North Pole will be melted. In about 15-20 years all or most of the ice in the South Pole will be melted. In 5-15 years all the ice glaciers and snow covered mountains will disappear. The Earth will then produce less cold molecules and the Sun will produce more hot molecules. Us humans produce massive amounts of hot molecules daily from these jet engine airplanes and rockets! Go to flightradar24.com to see how many of these jet planes are flying at any moment worldwide. There use to be about 9,000 daily worldwide by these jet planes worldwide before the days of the coronavirus epidemic but I’m sure that there is at least 7,000 flights or more on the average a day now. And flightradar24.com doesn’t even include any military planes of any nation on it’s radar system. Now bear in mind that these jet engine planes create massive amounts of hot molecules and pollution. The passenger jet planes exhaust temperature ranges from 800 degrees for small jet planes to 1200 degrees for large passenger jet planes. Military jet planes exhaust temperatures range from 1200 to 2500 degrees. Rockets are much hotter. The Space Shuttle was as hot as the Sun! All this heat is emitted daily into our atmosphere and has been since the 1960’s by these jets and rockets! Then to top it off these jet planes are also gigantic vacuum machines that are sucking up, heating up and polluting enough air and moisture out of our atmosphere to fill an enclosed Super Dome Stadium every 2 minutes! Google search all the pollutants that these passenger flying cigar shape vacuum and polluting machines we call jet planes emit and you will see that it is very difficult for nature to produce clouds from all the pollutants and heat that we humans emit into our atmosphere! Folks, we have got to stop flying rockets and jet engine airplanes of all kinds. We have to go back to flying propeller airplanes because they don’t pollute or heat up our atmosphere. we have to stop driving combustion engine cars and start driving electric cars or even better devise a new transportation system that doesn’t involve any or very little pollution or heat. Then we have to redesign our buildings and dwellings so that we don’t need air conditioning or very little air conditioning. We have to do these things now before anymore ice or snow melts anywhere on the Earth. If we bring down Earth’s temperature to the point it was in about 1875 then the Earth will stop experiencing global warming and start rebuilding it’s ice and snow covered areas of the Earth. If you wait too long and the ice and snow covered areas of the earth are lessen drastically then it will be very hard and most likely impossible to stop the Sun’s hot rays from creating more hot molecules which then will overpower the cold molecules which will then lead to less clouds which will then lead to less water which will then lead to massive worldwide droughts, starvations, deaths by thirst, chaos, riots, break down of law and order worldwide, rapes, murders and all kinds of violence and diseases as world order comes to an end! That’s what you folks have to face very soon! I am an old man who won’t be around to witness your future you are building for yourselves. But I thought you ought to know so that maybe just by chance you decided to do something about it and change your way of living so that you are not killing your only place to live called Earth! But if no one listens to me and in 20-30 years you see that the Sun is going to win the battle that it fights with every planet in the universe as it bakes each planet with it’s heat waves remember that you have one more thing that you can do to stop global warming and that is to somehow put as much volcano ash into the upper atmosphere

worldwide so that the ash blocks the Sun’s rays from reaching the surface of the Earth. Doing this will cool down the Earth. Nature has done exactly the same over the years and it worked. Massive volcano eruptions have cooled the Earth before and can do it again anytime! It will be your only chance to save the Earth. Perhaps start doing it now to help cool the Earth! But do something quick folks because…

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Ron McCune <presidentron999@gmail.com> Tue, Dec 20, 2022, 5:59 PM to me REBEL’S DAILY REPORTS Water. Weight. Gravity. Slabs of humongous rocks assembled together to form Earth. Earthquakes. Global warming. More water. More gravity. More quakes that are also more serious. What happens when the North and South Pole melt in about 15-25 years? Can anyone out there please answer this? NASA? ANYONE! facebook.com/ron.mccune.3 has something to say about this that all of you should read because all hell…

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WARNING! WARNING! WAKE UP EVERYBODY! We have a major problem on Earth. And why the hell am I the only one on Earth sounding the alarm? Satellite photos from the 1960’s till now has shown that global warming has been going on since the 1960’s when jet engine airplanes started flying and China started their massive polluting industrial buildup. Take a look at the 1960’s photos and you can see how the weakest part of ice, which is permafrost, was the first thing that started melting in mass around Russia and China area of the planet. There is photo evidence of this warmer melted water from the melting permafrost draining into the area around Russia and China’s coastline. The photos show warmer melted permafrost water over time traveling into the Arctic Sea and the area around Russia’s side of the North Pole where, in the photos, shows how that warmer water has since the 1960’s been melting the ice of the North Pole. In the photos you can see how that warmer melted permafrost water traveled from Russia and over the years till this day has been not only melting the North Pole ice but has resulted in warming the waters of the world through the water circulation systems of the world. This also resulted in the ice and permafrost to be melting around the whole Arctic area. This melting of all the permafrost and ice on the Earth will go on till it is all gone unless we immediately shut down all the ways us humans are warming up the Earth. Russia has been for years purposely trying to heat up their part of the world with multiple military drills and military parades across Russia so that the heat from all those planes and military hardware can warm up Russia. Russia has already built numerous boat ports along its northern border so that Russia could profit from a ice free North Pole so that northern Russia’s waterways could become the new transportation from China to Europe and elsewhere thus replacing the need for many to have to use the Panama Canal to move ships. Now we have a hot weather system over Russia’s Siberia region that has sent temperatures in the North Pole to the 90’s, something that never has been seen before! Something strange is going on in that part of the planet that is warming up that part of the Earth more rapidly than normal. Either China or Russia or India or all of them together are doing something to put massive amounts of hot air into the atmosphere. If we don’t stop everyone everywhere from warming the planet then it could take another 15-20 years for the North Pole’s ice to be completely melted and about 15-25 years for the South Pole to be completely free of ice. When all that happens then the Earth will be in a new uncharted era where I’m sad to say not one of you even know what that will be! For then will be the unavoidable, irreversible, frightening, chaotic new world which those still alive will have to face! There is no plan to stop this from happening! There is not even any discussion of this! Trump and the Republicans don’t even believe in global warming and won’t do anything to stop it but will do a lot to make global warming worse! NASA and ALL the scientist of the world don’t talk about any of this. They are interested in taking our money and looking at other planets instead of figuring out how we are to live on Earth!

So folks, since no one has offered any plan to avert this catastrophe you will face but me let me present it to you and hopefully you will wake up before you all die a horrific death of some kind in the future as the Earth takes it’s last breath of existence as we know it. Folks, we have to entirely change our lifestyles, our way of living. We have to stop flying turbo jet…

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Tue, Dec 20, 2022, 6:11 PM to me The end is coming and we are all a witness to it. The South and North Poles are melting along with the world’s glaciers and snow covered mountains and will all be gone in about 10-20 years. When this glop of ice in the above mention article starts moving down the cliff mountains and rocks won’t stop it as it accelerates down the slope deep into the ocean only…

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Tue, Dec 20, 2022, 6:13 PM to me What I’d like to discuss with all of you here is a new way to get everyone and everything from point A to point B. This new transportation system is more efficient, less costly, pollution free, accident free and enjoyable ride to most anywhere you want to go in metropolitan areas, perhaps even long distance. This new transportation system will also securely deliver you or your goods to your…

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Tue, Dec 20, 2022, 6:14 PM to me Folks, we have a major disaster on our hands and it going to get a lot worse unless we do something about it now! WE are facing the end of the Earth’s ability to support life on Earth in about 10-20 years. The Earth could put up with a lot of different stuff millions of years ago because the Sun was weaker than it is today. Venus and Mars…

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