
Dec 20, 2022, 6:15 PM to me WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! The ice in the North Pole region is going to be almost completely melted in about 10 to 15 years! The ice in the South Pole will be melted in about 15 to 20 years! NASA or someone else recently made a video, which was posted on the internet that showed the area of the North Pole from the 1960’s all the way up to 2019. In…

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Ron McCune <presidentron999@gmail.com> Tue, Dec 20, 2022, 6:22 PM to me I want ALL of you to realize that before the Ice Age on Earth that the Earth did NOT experience the winters that we use to have about 60 years ago and had since the Ice Age. Since 1960 when global warming started due to the introduction of jet engine airplanes, rockets and rocket weapons which drastically increased the heat in the upper atmosphere where rain clouds…

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  ·  Shared with Public As the world foolishly gawks and cheers at the marvels of it’s destruction as another extremely hot (3200 degrees) and polluting (tons of pollutants) man made object called a rocket is blasted from ground zero and shot through our most precious and most needed and most vulnerable and most easiest to destroy part of our planet, that part of the Earth that gives us our life, our clouds, our rain, our…

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October 15, 2021  · 

Shared with Public I sent a request to NASA for them to read my Facebook page to see why all jet planes and rockets are the main reason we have global warming and how we can stop global warming if we all worldwide would stop flying jet planes and rockets of all kinds. NASA sent me a response that stated saying that jet planes and rockets are not the cause of global warming! NASA is…

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All of you should look into an observation that I have seen. I want you all to look at the weather maps that were recently put out by I believe was a government agency of the U.S. or maybe someone else. These weather maps show the melting of the North Pole’s ice for the last 60-70 years. As you observe these maps one thing sticks out very much and that is that there is a…

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