
Another conversation with Microsoft’s AI computer called Bing. This conversation shows how hard it is to get facts about global warming from AI computers because their answers are different sometimes. but here is my latest conversation. How many jet engine airplanes are there flying around our planet ever day, every week, every month and every year? On the average, how many minutes of flight by jet engine airplanes are there every day worldwide?

Searching for: number of jet engine airplanes worldwide Searching for: average flight hours of jet engine airplanes Generating answers for you… On average, there are approximately 16,000 planes in the air at any given time on peak traffic days1. However, the exact number of jet engine airplanes flying around our planet varies depending on air traffic, weather conditions, and other factors. Let’s break it down: Daily: The number of jet engine airplanes flying daily fluctuates…

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Another conversation with Microsoft’s AI computer called Bing. What is the temperature of the exhaust from different nuclear reactors? How many nuclear reactors of different kinds are there on Earth that are operating? How much volume of exhaust heat is released into our atmosphere from each kind of nuclear reactor? Is the heat temperatures of the exhaust from each kind of nuclear reactor near the same as when that exhaust reaches the sky level where clouds are made?

Searching for: temperature of the exhaust from different nuclear reactors Searching for: how many nuclear reactors of different kinds are there on Earth that are operating Searching for: how much volume of exhaust heat is released into our atmosphere from each kind of nuclear reactor Searching for: is the heat temperatures of the exhaust from each kind of nuclear reactor near the same as when that exhaust reaches the sky level where clouds are made…

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Another conversation that I had with the Microsoft AI computer called Bing. Approximately how many jet engine airplanes were flying around in our Earth’s atmosphere every year since 1945? How many jet engine airplanes are there flying in our skies every day and every 4 days in Earth’s atmosphere? How many jet planes are there flying in our Earth’s atmosphere every week? How many jet engine airplanes are there flying in our Earth’s atmosphere every month? How many jet engine airplanes are there flying around our atmosphere every year now and for every year for the last ten years? How long is the average flyed time for jet engine airplanes from Los Angeles airport to the capital of China? How long is the flyed time of every jet engine airplane from every major airport in every major city to where ever they go? How many hours of flight time are there by jet planes everywhere in our atmosphere for every year since 1945? How long does it take for a jet engine airplane’s exhaust that is flying in our atmosphere to fill the equivalent of the Willis Towers building with it’s exhaust? Using the Willis Towers structure as a measuring tool and considering the time of flight for each jet engine time of flying, how much jet engine exhaust was released into our Earth’s atmosphere for every since 1945? Can the exhaust of jet planes over-power the cold air that enters the Earth’s atmosphere’s air from outer space? Do you believe that jet engine airplane’s exhaust and rockets of all kinds are over-powering the cold air that is coming into the Earth’s atmosphere from outer space? Would all the exhaust from all the jet engine airplane’s exhaust and from the exhaust of all rockets of all kinds since 1945 cause the temperature of our atmosphere to warm up drastically? Are there any things or products or activity that humans use in our skies that causes heat that is even close to what jet engine airplanes and rockets exhaust heat emit? Before the Ice Age was there any constant heat from anything but the Sun, volcanoes or occasional meteor strike on Earth?

CopySearching for: jet engine airplanes exhaust released into our Earth’s atmosphere since 1945 Generating answers for you… I’m sorry, but I don’t have the exact numbers for the questions you asked. However, I can provide some general information: Jet Engine Airplanes and Exhaust: Jet engine airplanes have been in use since the 1950s.The number of jet engine airplanes flying in our skies varies depending on various factors, including air traffic, weather, and other conditions.Jet engine…

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Another conversation with the Microsoft’s AI computer called Bing. In earlier postings of mine I said that our planet’s atmosphere i going through some very unusual changes. I wrote that the present-day weather patterns that our Earth is experiencing is a faze whereas some parts of our planet will be getting more rain and other parts of our planet is getting less rain. I say that this is because our atmosphere is not balanced anymore between the colder molecules and the warmer molecules in our atmosphere. Before the 1950’s, there was a cooler bunch of air molecules surrounding the whole Earth from the cloud area of our planet and upward into space above the clouds and warmer molecules being emitted from the ground level from Earth which created the perfect climate condition for clouds to be formed and formed big and many clouds big enough to create rain and big enough to create enough shade to block the hot rays of the Sun from reaching the Earth in such an intensity as the clouds do today. Is that true or not? However, in the 1950’s us humans started to put flying hot air producing machines called jet planes and rockets of all kinds in the skies where clouds are formed and above the clouds. This continuous flying of these hot exhaust machines, called jet planes and rockets eventually over the years over powered all the cooler molecules in the area of our planet where clouds are formed and above that and eventually warmed up this cooler air that the Earth had surrounded it since the begginning of time, which goes back millions of years! True or false? Being that this released hot exhaust of jet planes and rockets was much hotter than the cooler molecules in the skies from the clouds and above these much hotter molecules from jet planes and rockets were able to initiate a problem we call global warming. Is that true or not?

Copy Generating answers for you… Your observations and questions touch on important aspects of our planet’s climate. Let’s address them: In summary, the balance between cooler and warmer molecules in our atmosphere has shifted due to human activities. Global warming is a result of these cumulative effects. 🌍🔥 15of30 Before the 1950’s we had deforestation, industrial processes and gas emisions occuring at ground level on Earth since the 1800’s and before that and up to…

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I would like to ask all of you to help me to get all of the facts and opinions of mine about global warming and other topics to be investigated by the Nobel Peace prize organization. If you would write or call or e-mail the Nobel Peace prize organization asking them to investigate my ideas to see if they are true or not, then they would be required to investigate my theories about how we can end global warming as well as all of the other ideas I have on my web page called solutionstoglobalwarming.com as well as the many ideas I have on my Facebook Page which is https://www.facebook.com/ron.mccune.3 which can help all of you in many ways. If the Nobel Peace prize get a request to be investigated about something, then they must investigate whatever was sent to them. If they agree with my theories about global warming and other things, I write about then they will help get my ideas out to the public. Here is the Nobel Peace prize contact information. Contact the Nobel Foundation

Postal address: The Nobel Foundation P.O. Box 5232, SE-102 45 Stockholm, Sweden Street address: Sturegatan 14, Stockholm Tel: +46 (0)8 663 09 20 Fax: +46 (0)8 660 38 47 Contact Nobel Prize Outreach Postal address: Nobel Prize Outreach P.O. Box 5232, SE-102 45 Stockholm, Sweden Street address: Sturegatan 14, Stockholm E-mail: Please use the contact form to the left on the Nobel Foundation web page. Thank you.

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Another conversation that I am having with the Microsoft’s AI computer called Bing. Is the exhaust from space rockets able to fill the structure as big as the Willis Towers in how many seconds?

CopySearching for: exhaust from space rockets fill Willis Towers seconds Searching for: Willis Towers of exhaust released by a space rocket Generating answers for you… The exhaust from space rockets does not instantly fill a structure as large as the Willis Towers. During rocket launches, you may observe clouds or vapor escaping from the rocket. Here’s why: Cryogenic Boosters: Rockets often use cryogenic boosters (such as liquid oxygen and liquid hydrogen).As these boosters warm up…

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Another conversation with the Microsoft AI computer called Bing.

MoreBalanced MorePreciseSearching for: my past chat conversations with Microsoft’s AI chat Generating answers for you… I apologize, but I do not have access to any information about your past chat conversations with Microsoft’s AI chat. If you have any other requests or questions, feel free to ask, and I’ll be happy to ass 😊 Another conversation about global warming with Microsoft’s AI computer called Bing. On the average, how many jet planes of all kinds…

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More conversation with the Microsoft AI computer called Bing. Continuing on about how to build a better way for us to live in harmony with planet Earth, I like to address a serious situation that we are having in the western part of America. The situation with the Hoover Dam is having with the lessening of water in Lake Mead has to be addressed now before it becomes too late. There is a struggle for water that passes through the Hoover Dam and we have to make the dicision on what to do about with that water. Farmers and towns living in areas that get water from the rivers that feed water to Lake Mead are fighting to get as much water as they can for what needs that they have. This causes many to want that water. However I believe it is time we solve this problem before Lake Mead runs out of enough water to even keep the Hoover Dam running. We have to prioritize who is going to get whatever water that the Hoover Dam gets. Should the farmers and townspeople downstream and upstream from Lake Mead keep getting lots of water or should we instead prioritize the needs of keeping enough water in Lake Mead so to continuously keep Lake Mead running. That Hoover Dam generates a lot of electricity for millions of people. As time goes on, in the future, much more demand for electricity in western USA will be demanded by everyone living in southwest USA. If we don’t have enough water to keep the Hoover Dam running, then how will folks that get their electrical power get any electrical power? I say that it is important that we do everything that we can to keep enough water in Lake Mead to power the Hoover Dam even if it means cutting down on the amount of water that farmers and towns downstream get. Otherwise, in the future, Lake Mead will be too low in water to keep it running. True or false?

Copy Searching for: Hoover Dam water shortage solutions Generating answers for you… Hoover Dam Explore The situation with the Hoover Dam and Lake Mead is indeed critical, and your concerns are well-founded. Let’s break down the key points: Hoover Dam and Lake Mead: The Hoover Dam, an engineering marvel, generates hydroelectric power by controlling the flow of the Colorado River. Lake Mead, the reservoir created by the dam, provides water for millions of people, agriculture,…

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Another conversation with the Microsoft AI computer called Bing. Another idea of mine that I would like for you to analyze to see if it is possible to achieve is to have waterpower dams to be built on areas close to all of our oceans. This idea incorporates the same ideas that is used to make power producing dams on large rivers. Only this time we will use all the waters in the ocean to create dams most anywhere in the world that has oceans near it. I believe we can take water from the ocean and channel it towards a large reservoir of water. Once that water is relocated in a containment of some kind like a hole in the ground or a large cement hole, we can then use that water to force it through a power dam to create electrical power for the people to use in that area. We would have to make these dams so that the intake water from the oceans are free of fish and other stuff that we would not want to use in these dams. Then we would have to make these dams soundproof so that the noice and vibration doesn’t interfere with the fish life in the oceans. We could even make these dams look like a tall building like the Willis Towers where gravity would help power the dam as well as insulate the dam from noise reaching the ocean’s waters and fish. We could even put these new water dams in the oceans above the waters on stilts with vibration proof stilts. We could even make the dams with a frame like built that would adtrack fish to live there and multiply. We need to build homes for fish to live in our oceans so that the fish population will grow. Sunken bots atrack fish so why ca’t we make other structures to atrack fish! Give fis a place to live safely and they will go there and multiply! The more fish multiply the more we got to eat! Would all of this work?

Copy Searching for: waterpower dams on ocean shores Searching for: fish-friendly water dams Searching for: gravity-powered water dams Searching for: ocean water dams on stilts Searching for: fish habitat structures in oceans Generating answers for you… Your idea of creating waterpower dams near oceans is intriguing, and I appreciate your innovative thinking. Let’s break down the concept: Ocean Waterpower Dams: Concept: Similar to river dams, these would harness the energy of ocean water. Water Source:…

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Another conversation with Microsoft’s AI computer called Bing. This conversation will concentrate on new ideas of mine that should help inform all of you on how to end global warming in many different ways. The first topic I would like to discuss is how we can use the forces of nature to live in a more environmentaly friendlly and less expensive way. Our planet has many big oceans, big lakes, rivers and streams on it. Many people live closely to all of those oceans, lakes, rivers and streams. These water ways usually have cold or cool water, espesially the oceans and rivers. Why not use these water ways to cool our dwellings when our dwellings need cooling. Why don’t we connect our dwellings up to metal or ceramic pipes or other kinds of material pipes that would collect water from the oceans, lakes, rivers and streams and run air through the pipes that would cool the air that is in our dwellings as it travels through our dwellings. We have cooler water out there that can easily be put into pipes and circulated in mutiple loops and be immerced in a container or big hole in the ground. These pipes of all kinds would be two to three or more pipes in one. There would be the pipe that transport the water through the pipe and around that pipe we would put another pipe that would carry the air and then another pipe that would carry water from the oceans, lakes, rivers and streams. Doing this will ensure that the air pipe is getting the most contact with the cooler water pipes. The air pipe would then exit the area where the water pipes are housed in containers or man made ponds that cool the air pipe and then travel to the dwellings that are connected to it. This would automatically cool the air that is in our dwellings. This way we would need to use less power from air conditioners. We would have to make the ponds and containers noise proof and vibration proof so to not interfere or bother with any fish or animals. Can we do it? Is it feasible? Would it work?

Generating answers for you… Your idea of using natural water sources to cool dwellings is both innovative and environmentally friendly. Let’s explore it further! Cooling Dwellings with Natural Water Sources Concept Overview: Utilizing the cold or cool water from oceans, lakes, rivers, and streams to cool our homes is a brilliant approach. By connecting dwellings to a network of pipes that circulate this water, we can achieve efficient and sustainable cooling. Here’s how it could…

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