
This is a posting about how many jet engine airplanes are flying daily in the world and also about how much time that these jet engine airplanes are on the ground getting ready to fly or having things done with their engines while running. How many jet engine airplanes fly around every day worldwide?CopyRewrite Searching for: How many jet engine airplanes fly around every day worldwide? Generating answers for you… Every day, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) provides…

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More facts about nature and our planet. You can put tons of pollutants into the atmosphere and as long as they don’t generate heat, they will most likely will not cause any global warming because the rain from clouds will clean out the atmosphere as it has done for millions of years. However, if you put up anything in the skies that generates heat then you will have problems because heat evaporates moisture and moisture is needed to create clouds. Humidity determines if there is enough moisture to create clouds and there is very little if any humidity in almost every city in the world because jet engine airplanes and rockets are evaporating all the moisture in the atmosphere in almost every city in the world except coastal cities. Us humans have to redesign as much as possible all heat producing sources on Earth. Chimneys and all other heat emitting vents of all kinds must be redesigned so that they trap, and cool down exhaust being emitted from that devise. This has to be done with gas wells also. I believe that I already wrote about this subject on other postings of mine. We can’t continue pumping hot air into our atmosphere because that heat collects in our atmosphere over time and the jet airplanes help circulate that hot air around our planet. You have to keep our atmosphere at a certain temperature because if our atmosphere gets too hot as it is doing today then the world’s permafrost, snow and ice will continue to melt as it is doing today. Every year our Earth’s atmospheric temperature keeps getting hotter. This shows that what us humans are doing is causing more heat to be emitted into an already hot atmosphere. We have to do something to end this rise of heat into our atmosphere. The Earth is surrounded in a bubble of cold air. This bubble is heating up every day by what us humans do. Jet airplanes and rockets add the most amount of hot air directly into our atmosphere. An example to show how the heat from jet engine airplanes and rockets cause the most harm to our atmosphere just fill up a swimming pool or bathtub with cold water. Now take a bunch of hot metal balls and drop them slowly into the swimming pool or bathtub. Make sure you leave a large space between each hot ball as you drop them into the pool or tub. Put multiple thermostats throughout the tub or pool to test the temperature of the water in each area of the tub or pool. You will after a while see the temperature of the water get hotter around the hot balls. But the temperature will fluctuate between each hot ball. The closer the water is to the hot ball the hotter the water will become. The water that is further away from the hot balls will be colder than the water that is close to the hot balls. Now, do another test and do the same thing but in this test have the hot balls be attached to a device that will swirl the hot balls throughout the cold-water tub or pool. You will see that the waters temperature will become warmer quicker than when the hot balls were just put into the cold water and not moved around. This shows how jet engine airplanes and rockets mix up the air in our atmosphere to create a hotter atmosphere because of their mixing of air in our atmosphere. This shows how rockets of all kinds and jet engine airplanes are gigantic blenders of our atmospheric air. And considering the fact that there are around 190,000 jet engine airplanes daily flying around our planet and also monthly numerous war rockets and space rockets flying around our planet and into outer space, we have to realize just what the affect that jet airplanes and rockets of all kinds have on our global warming problem. and considering that these jet engine airplanes and rockets of all kinds are the only thing us humans put into the sky where clouds are and above the clouds it is obvious that they are the main reason for global warming. So, it is obvious that we have to stop flying jet engine airplanes and rockets if we want to end global warming. We simply have to go back to only flying propeller airplanes and stop flying rockets of all kinds. The following is the Microsoft’s Bing AI computers response to my posting. Microsoft Bing AI computer: Thank you for sharing your insights about our planet and the impact of human activities. Indeed, the delicate balance of Earth’s atmosphere plays a crucial role in maintaining our climate and overall well-being.

Let’s explore your points further: Pollutants and Heat: You’re correct that certain pollutants, especially those that don’t generate heat, can be naturally cleansed by rain and other atmospheric processes. Rainwater acts as a natural purifier, washing away particles and impurities from the air. However, when pollutants release heat, they can disrupt this balance. Heat affects humidity levels, cloud formation, and overall weather patterns. It’s essential to consider both the chemical composition and thermal impact of…

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More facts about nature and our planet. You can put tons of pollutants into the atmosphere and as long as they don’t generate heat, they will most likely will not cause any global warming because the rain from clouds will clean out the atmosphere as it has done for millions of years. However, if you put up anything in the skies that generates heat then you will have problems because heat evaporates moisture and moisture is needed to create clouds. Humidity determines if there is enough moisture to create clouds and there is very little if any humidity in almost every city in the world because jet engine airplanes and rockets are evaporating all the moisture in the atmosphere in almost every city in the world except coastal cities. Us humans have to redesign as much as possible all heat producing sources on Earth. Chimneys and all other heat emitting vents of all kinds must be redesigned so that they trap, and cool down exhaust being emitted from that devise. This has to be done with gas wells also. I believe that I already wrote about this subject on other postings of mine. We can’t continue pumping hot air into our atmosphere because that heat collects in our atmosphere over time and the jet airplanes help circulate that hot air around our planet. You have to keep our atmosphere at a certain temperature because if our atmosphere gets too hot as it is doing today then the world’s permafrost, snow and ice will continue to melt as it is doing today. Every year our Earth’s atmospheric temperature keeps getting hotter. This shows that what us humans are doing is causing more heat to be emitted into an already hot atmosphere. We have to do something to end this rise of heat into our atmosphere. The Earth is surrounded in a bubble of cold air. This bubble is heating up every day by what us humans do. Jet airplanes and rockets add the most amount of hot air directly into our atmosphere. An example to show how the heat from jet engine airplanes and rockets cause the most harm to our atmosphere just fill up a swimming pool or bathtub with cold water. Now take a bunch of hot metal balls and drop them slowly into the swimming pool or bathtub. Make sure you leave a large space between each hot ball as you drop them into the pool or tub. Put multiple thermostats throughout the tub or pool to test the temperature of the water in each area of the tub or pool. You will after a while see the temperature of the water get hotter around the hot balls. But the temperature will fluctuate between each hot ball. The closer the water is to the hot ball the hotter the water will become. The water that is further away from the hot balls will be colder than the water that is close to the hot balls. Now, do another test and do the same thing but in this test have the hot balls be attached to a device that will swirl the hot balls throughout the cold-water tub or pool. You will see that the waters temperature will become warmer quicker than when the hot balls were just put into the cold water and not moved around. This shows how jet engine airplanes and rockets mix up the air in our atmosphere to create a hotter atmosphere because of their mixing of air in our atmosphere. This shows how rockets of all kinds and jet engine airplanes are gigantic blenders of our atmospheric air. And considering the fact that there are around 190,000 jet engine airplanes daily flying around our planet and also monthly numerous war rockets and space rockets flying around our planet and into outer space, we have to realize just what the affect that jet airplanes and rockets of all kinds have on our global warming problem. and considering that these jet engine airplanes and rockets of all kinds are the only thing us humans put into the sky where clouds are and above the clouds it is obvious that they are the main reason for global warming. So, it is obvious that we have to stop flying jet engine airplanes and rockets if we want to end global warming. We simply have to go back to only flying propeller airplanes and stop flying rockets of all kinds.


This is another response from the Bing Chat AI computer from Microsoft. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on global warming. Global warming is a complex issue that has been studied by scientists for decades. According to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), global warming is the long-term heating of Earth’s surface observed since the pre-industrial period (between 1850 and 1900) due to human activities, primarily fossil fuel burning, which increases heat-trapping greenhouse gas levels in Earth’s atmosphere 1.

There are many ways to address global warming, and it requires a collective effort from individuals, businesses, and governments worldwide. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) suggests that we can switch to renewable sources of energy, drive electric vehicles, conserve energy, counterbalance our annual carbon dioxide emissions, and support more local businesses that use and promote sustainable, climate-smart practices 2. It is important to note that the scientific community has not suggested that we should stop…

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The following is PART 2 of a chat or conversation that I am having with the Microsoft AI computer Bing Chat GPT-4. There is a war between the Sun and the clouds for all life to exist on Earth. Heat alone causes global warming because it is heat alone that evaporates moisture. Pollution does not evaporate moisture, because pollution only dirties air moisture but does not evaporate moisture. Just as a hair dryer’s heat will dry your hair because the hair dryer’s heat evaporates the water from your hair shows that heat evaporates moisture. Also, your car’s defroster heat evaporates moisture from your car’s windshield during cold weather times shows that heat evaporates moisture. Dyers used to dry clothes are another example of how heat evaporates moisture when you dry your clothes. So, it is a fact that heat evaporates moisture. Jet engine airplanes and rockets of all kinds are the only things that us humans put directly into our atmosphere in such mass quantity that has intense heat that would directly evaporate moisture. Since the 1950’s us humans have been flying and using these jet engine airplanes and rockets of all kinds. We never had global warming before the 1950’s. Heat emitted from human activity at Earth’s ground level dissipates before it reaches the clouds. Jet planes heat exhaust and heat exhaust from rockets of all kinds does not dissipate when it reaches the clouds because jet engine airplanes and rocket’s heat is emitted directly into our atmosphere where the clouds are formed. Jet engine airplanes are sucking up moisture from our atmosphere and like a blender is mixing up all the air in our atmosphere to make it all warmer around our planet. There is about 90,000 or more passenger jet engine airplanes flying everyday around our planet. There is about 90,000 military jet engine airplanes flying around our planet every day. Check out flightradar24.com to see how many jet planes there is flying worldwide at that moment. Response from the Microsoft AI computer called Bing Chat AI computer. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on the relationship between heat, moisture, and global warming. While it is true that heat can cause moisture to evaporate, it is not the only factor contributing to global warming. The Earth’s climate is a complex system that is influenced by many factors, including the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, solar radiation, and the reflectivity of the Earth’s surface 1. Greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide, trap heat in the atmosphere and contribute to global warming 1. While it is true that jet engine airplanes and rockets emit heat into the atmosphere, they also emit greenhouse gases, which contribute to global warming 2. According to the International Air Transport Association (IATA), aviation accounts for approximately 2% of global carbon dioxide emissions 2. While this may seem like a small percentage, it is still a significant contributor to global warming. The aviation industry is working to reduce its carbon footprint by developing more fuel-efficient aircraft, using sustainable aviation fuels, and implementing carbon offset programs 2. It is important to continue to explore ways to reduce our impact on the environment and work towards a more sustainable future. 🌍🛫


The following is a conversation that I am having with the Microsoft Bing AI computer about the last posting of mine. More postings will follow. Bing Chat with GPT-4 AI computer. Thank you for sharing these interesting facts about our planet. Clouds and trees are indeed essential for the survival of life on Earth. Clouds play a crucial role in regulating the planet’s temperature by reflecting some of the Sun’s energy back to space and trapping some of the energy emitted by the Earth’s surface and lower atmosphere. They also help spread the Sun’s energy evenly over Earth’s surface and transport energy from warm areas near the equator to cold areas near the poles 1. Clouds are also the only way our planet gets water, which is essential for all forms of life 1. Trees, on the other hand, absorb water from the ground and release it into the atmosphere through a process called transpiration. This water vapor combines with water vapors that evaporated from the Earth’s oceans, lakes, and rivers to form clouds 2. Trees also help regulate the planet’s temperature by absorbing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and releasing oxygen 3. They also provide habitats for many species of animals and plants and help prevent soil erosion 3. Without clouds and trees, life on Earth would not be possible.


These are facts about our planet. Clouds are the most important thing on Earth. Clouds are the only way that our planet Earth gets any water. Clouds are the only thing that prevents the Sun from heating up our planet. The rain from clouds is the only thing that cleans our atmosphere. Trees are the second most important thing on Earth because trees and the water from oceans, lakes and rivers are the only way our atmosphere gets moisture. Trees and its roots absorb water and then emits water vapor into the atmosphere which combines with water vapors that evaporated from the Earth’s oceans, lakes and rivers. When the Earth has enough water vapor in the atmosphere clouds will then form. Without clouds there would be no life on Earth. There is a war between the Sun and the clouds for all life to exist on Earth. Heat alone causes global warming because it is heat alone that evaporates moisture. Pollution does not evaporate moisture, because pollution only dirties air moisture but does not evaporate moisture. Just as a hair dryer’s heat will dry your hair because the hair dryer’s heat evaporates the water from your hair shows that heat evaporates moisture. Also, your car’s defroster heat evaporates moisture from your car’s windshield during cold weather times shows that heat evaporates moisture. Dyers used to dry clothes are another example of how heat evaporates moisture when you dry your clothes. So, it is a fact that heat evaporates moisture. Jet engine airplanes and rockets of all kinds are the only things that us humans put directly into our atmosphere in such mass quantity that has intense heat that would directly evaporate moisture. Since the 1950’s us humans have been flying and using these jet engine airplanes and rockets of all kinds. We never had global warming before the 1950’s. Heat emitted from human activity at Earth’s ground level dissipates before it reaches the clouds. Jet planes heat exhaust and heat exhaust from rockets of all kinds does not dissipate when it reaches the clouds because jet engine airplanes and rocket’s heat is emitted directly into our atmosphere where the clouds are formed. Jet engine airplanes are sucking up moisture from our atmosphere and like a blender is mixing up all the air in our atmosphere to make it all warmer around our planet. There is about 90,000 or more passenger jet engine airplanes flying everyday around our planet. There is about 90,000 military jet engine airplanes flying around our planet every day. Check out flightradar24.com to see how many jet planes there is flying worldwide at that moment. Since the 1950’s there has been thousands of rockets of all kinds used daily around our planet. Passenger jet engine’s exhaust ranges from 800 to 1200 degrees. Military jet engine airplane’s exhaust ranges from 1200 to 2500 degrees. A rockets exhaust temperature ranges up to 35,000 degrees. Propeller airplanes do not emit much heat at all. Us humans only flew propeller airplanes before the 1950’s. Humans never flew rockets of any kind before the 1950’s. A jet engine’s exhaust could fill an enclosed Super Dome stadium in about 2 minutes. We can fit about 18 enclosed Super Bowl stadiums on top of each other before we would reach the sky where clouds are formed. The Earth use to be surrounded by a cold mass of air from outer space before the 1950’s. Because of all the ice we now have on Earth we humans today get to enjoy a planet that has winters and cold weather. Before the Ice Age that we are in there was no winters anywhere on Earth. In fact, Florida weather extended all the way up to Alaska before the Ice Age. Folks, we can immediately end global warming if we would just stop flying jet planes of all kinds and rockets of all kinds. We have to all go back to flying just propeller airplanes or global warming will eventually soon melt all the ice on Earth and cause us to have no more winters. That alone will cause much harm to all life on Earth. These are all facts! Now, what are you going to do about it? Will you all join me in ending global warming immediately and legally, as petitioners, by going to all the airports and rocket launch pads in America by the hundreds of thousands and petition everyone you see to stop flying jet engine airplanes and rockets of all kinds! WE THE PEOPLE will create a 24/7 Woodstock like party environment at all airports and launch pads in America and then around the world until everyone stops flying jet engine airplanes and rockets of all kinds! We have to do this, or we will all die!


My name is Ronald McCune. My phone is broken so until I get another phone, I will have no phone. You can contact me at my mailing address I live in my car so to contact me until I get a phone or address you can just send mail to me at his house.The reason I am contacting you is to request that all of you to please look into all the things that I am trying to get done before I am no more. I have answers to many of the world’s problems but having answers to problems means nothing if nobody is listening. However, the world is in flames as we got WW3 going on in Ukraine and now WW4 about to go off in the Middle East between Israel and the United States against the whole Arab world. The war that is now just beginning between Israel and the Palestinians will quickly evolve into a much deadlier conflict as soon as the Israeli Army invades the Gaza strip. That invasion will set of a massive military retaliation from the forces that oppose Israel. The armies of Israel will never be able to hold off an attack from all sides of it’s borders as forces who oppose Israel rush into Israel and destroy everything that they can in Israel. All the soldiers and their war weapons and Iron Dome protection will not be able to stop all the invading forces whose goal is to destroy Israel and kick the Jewish population out of the Middle East. Israel is outnumbered in fighting force, Tanks will not help Israel as they become iron coffins, just like the Russians learned in Ukraine. Israel will look like Gaza looks today. Israel will be bombed to the stone age as Arab warriors from around the world join in the massacre of revenge that the Arabs who oppose Israel want.This is the situation that the world is in. The United States is being dragged into this war by Israel and also is responsible for all of this happening in the eyes of the of the Arab world. The rest of the world will also be drawn into the war as the try to save Israel from total destruction. What the world has seen so far in this war pales when compared to what is about to happen to Israel which will look like Germany did after WW2. How will and how can the world pull the Israeli people out of the destroyed rubble that will be what is left of Israel. Israel will exist no more as Israels leave the Middle East and seek shelter elsewhere.That is the situation we all face within weeks. I tried for decades to convince the Israelis and Arabs to make peace instead of war. Now the BIG war is here and there is no peace in sight. I am hoping that the reality of what is about to happen in this conflict will cause all warring parties to pause and take a good look at what it is that we have done and are doing as well as figure out a way to stop it. In this war between the Israeli and the Arabs there is no easy answers to ending the violence. There is too much hate and revenge in the minds of all on the battlefield. Perhaps if everyone sees the future as I tell it then maybe everyone would put down their arms and talk peace so that what I say will be will not be.This Israeli and Palestinian war must be stopped for another important reason. And that reason is that the world’s atmosphere is as of today suffering from human activity. Read my webpage at solutionstoglobalwarming.com and you will learn exactly why our planet Earth is on the verge of changing from the Ice Age and into a whole new way of climate around the whole planet that will cause the end of cilivization as we know it. I explain why this is so on my webpage. All of you have better read my webpage so that all of you learn exactly what global warming is; when global warming started; what causes global warming; and how we can easily end global warming if we all stop flying jet engine airplanes and rockets of all kinds.I am a 72 year old disabled man who is finally getting over a chronic cellulitis flare up episode that I have been dealing with sinch last February. I have chronic cellulitis for about 40 years and every 2-3 years it flares up and I have to get either antibiotic pills or go to the hospital for antibiotic IV treatment in order to bring down the cellulitis infection so that I can live with the infection. This episode of the infection has been the worse flare up I have had in the last 40 years. They gave me the 3 strongest IV antibiotics that they could in February and the had me on antibiotic pills and the more IV antibiotic pills. Yet about a month ago my body went into a sepsis attack as the cellulitis infection started travelling through my blood stream from the infected area and sent my body into a sepsis state. Having no phone, I could not walk or call for help but luckily, I was in my car and was able to drive myself to the hospital.I tell you all of this because I want all of you to please help me to end global warming. With the war in Ukraine and the war between Israel and the Arabs there will make global warming worse and is going to cause massive pressure on our atmosphere to maintain a temperature that will not get hotter.I need your help to stop this atmosphere from getting any hotter. My plan is to have tens of thousands of petitioners to go to every airport and rocket launch pad in the world and LEGALLY AND PEACEFULLY close them down with tens of thousands of petitioners who will PARTY 24/7 at all airports and launch pads while they petition all the people they encounter with the facts about global warming and why people should not fly jet engine airplanes anymore and go back to flying propeller planes only! If we can stop flying jet planes anymore then I am sure that the temperature of our atmosphere will be lowered.Let’s do it! Help me do it! I am disabled and recovering in a nursing home from this cellulitis attack I am now having. I am at the Oxnard Manor health care center in Oxnard, California. I can’t do much at all because I am now in a nursing home with very little strength to do anything. However, I have to do something. My plan was to educate the world about what global warming is so I made a webpage called solutionstoglobalwarming.com and was hoping that educating people to understand global warming would be enough to get people to not fly jet planes anymore. However, after nearly killing myself for the last year and a half trying to go to the beaches of California and educating people, I realized that my age and health prevented me from doing so. I have only one option left and that is to go to rock concerts and school yards and try to use my megaphone to first understand what global warming is and why we have to immediately shut down all major airports and launch pads worldwide! Like I said, I need your help! Will you help me end global warming or not.On my webpage I am arguing with the ChatGPT AI computer about what is global warming and how we can end global warming if we stop flying jet planes and rockets. I have to educate an AI computer about global warming. Read it and learn something! Your future depends on doing what I say you should do! Either do what I say or you will all DIE as human cilivization comes to an end within 3-5 years! I pray that I hear from you. JUST INVESTIGATE what it is that I have to say. Also on my webpage is a link to my Facebook page which has many writings of mine that I have been sending to people around the world hoping to change the world into a better place for all of us to live. Read my Adelynn’s Miracle Beans recipe and diet plan and get educated about how to easily rebuild your body perfectly! I can teach you a lot if you would only listen. I am nearing the end of my life and can only hope that all of you do what I say you should do. Hope to hear from you.