
PART 11 of my chat with the ChatGPT AI computer Heat alone causes global warming because heat alone can evaporate water vapor. Pollution would only make the water vapor dirtier but would not evaporate the water vapor. Clouds start out as water vapors molecules. Clouds need a certain amount of water vapor molecules to become bigger. All clouds start out as small batches of water vapors. How the clouds develop is determined by the amount of water vapor in each cloud batch. A little amount of water vapors yields very small clouds if lucky. More moisture in the batch of clouds will make the clouds bigger but does not necessary mean that the clouds will yield rain. Clouds that form and yield no rain means that the Sun has heated up that moisture on the surface of the Earth and as the day progresses the Sun will eventually evaporate any clouds that do not yield rain. Every day this battle between the Sun and the Clouds goes on. Again, heat evaporates moisture. Is the temperature of the exhaust from any industry, besides ignited natural gas vents on oil wells, as hot as it was when that exhaust left the surface of the Earth? Are jet planes the only thing in the skies of our planet that yields continuous massive amounts of heat on a daily as jet planes do? Would the temperature of our Earth’s atmosphere be lowered if everybody stopped using jet airplanes of all kinds to fly and instead went back top flying only propeller airplanes? Is there less cloud coverage of our planet every year since the 1950’s? Are jet engine airplanes gigantic vacuum machines? Are jet planes the only thing that us humans use that vacuums such massive amounts of air into the jet’s motors daily that then heat up that same air to 800-2500 degrees? Are jet engine airplanes and rockets of all kinds the biggest contributor of heat and pollution into our atmosphere on a daily basis? About how many jets are at L.A. airport at their busiest time that have their engines running? How many airports in the greater L.A. area are there that allow jet planes to land and fly? ChatGPT

Heat is one factor that contributes to global warming, but it is not the sole cause. Greenhouse gas emissions, such as carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide, play a significant role in trapping heat in the atmosphere and causing the Earth’s temperature to rise. These gases are primarily generated by human activities, including the burning of fossil fuels, deforestation, and industrial processes. Regarding the temperature of exhaust from various industries, it can vary depending on…

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PART 10 of my exchange with the CHAT GPT AI computer If everybody stops flying jet planes and rockets of all kinds, then how much heat is eliminated every day from our atmosphere?ChatGPT

If all jet planes and rockets of all kinds were to cease operating, it would indeed reduce the heat emitted into the atmosphere. The exact amount of heat eliminated would depend on the number of flights and rocket launches that were previously taking place and the associated heat emissions of those vehicles. Calculating the precise heat reduction would require detailed data on flight and launch frequencies, engine specifications, and other factors. It’s worth noting that…

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If everybody stop flying jet planes and rockets of all kinds, then how much heat is eliminated every day from our atmosphere?ChatGPT

If all jet planes and rockets of all kinds were to cease operating, it would indeed reduce the heat emitted into the atmosphere. The exact amount of heat eliminated would depend on the number of flights and rocket launches that were previously taking place and the associated heat emissions of those vehicles. Calculating the precise heat reduction would require detailed data on flight and launch frequencies, engine specifications, and other factors. It’s worth noting that…

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Another way that we can help lower the heat level on Earth’s ground level is to use hemp, the stuff that is made from good ole pot! Make hemp squares that are about 5 yards by 5 yards big and about 1 yard thick. Take these hemp blocks and position them in the hot spots of the world. In America we could easily shut down the heat that is emitted into the air at ground…

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Until the 1950’s our planet was lucky to have a cold blanket of air surrounding the whole atmosphere of our planet. That blanket of cold air was never real threaten by anything we humans ever did on Earth because us humans never went up into the sky’s and did anything like we do when we fly jet engine airplanes and rockets of all kinds. We also have to figure in the satellites we now use when talking about heat producing objects that us humans now want to use in our skies. The combination of these three-heat producing machines is adding a lot of hot air into our Earth’s environment. The jets are the worst of all because there are so many every day flying around our planet Earth. Go to flightradar24.com to see how many jet planes there are flying at that moment you are viewing flightradar24.com. Flightradar24.com only shows the passenger jet airplanes in flight and does not show any military flights anywhere in the world. Now when you see that flightradar24.com you will notice that jet airplanes flight patterns are such that they are mainly on certain flight pattern for whatever area of the Earth that those jet airplanes are going. This causes continuous amounts of heat waves from these jet plane’s engines being emitted into our skies at the area where clouds are formed are evaporating the moisture out of our atmosphere. When these jet engine airplanes continuously daily fly over our oceans and large water ways they are causing more damage than if they were flying over land. That is because over land there is trees to add moisture to our atmosphere but over the oceans and large water ways there is no trees so the Sun can have an easier time clearing our skies of clouds threw evaporation. The oceans need a lot of moisture in the skies above them as much as possible. As winds leave the lands of the Earth they need moisture and clouds to make the journey across our large oceans. If there aren’t large enough amounts of moisture in our atmosphere and we also have these thousands of jet engine airplanes flying around our planet and especially our oceans, then we will certainly have less clouds around our planet and especially above our oceans. I have been saying for decades now that the Earth has less clouds, especially above our oceans. But nobody listened. Well, you better now because your time for destroying your planet Earth has now reached the breaking point in many ways! Your time of not acting is no longer acceptable and we must initiate change now to end global warming immediately or all live on Earth will end. And sadly, us humans and our dogs will be the first to perish! I am not going to let that happen! Will you help me stop global warming by immediately, by the tens of thousands, start going to your nearest airport ASAP, as petitioners, and petition everyone you see to not fly jet airplanes ever again! Petition everyone to fly propeller airplanes and let’s stop global warming now!


Over time I have made many postings about what causes global warming. On this posting I would like to concentrate on what we should be doing to create a colder planet and atmosphere as well as present new ideas that would help everyone in many ways. The first suggestion I would loke to present is for us humans to start building gigantic water dams in our oceans that would provide power for everyone in the world! Think about it, we have lots of water in our oceans, but we don’t have any dams in our oceans? Why is that? We use our rivers to build dams that provide us with electrical power, but we don’t use our oceans to provide electrical power. It is about time that we build many dams in our oceans so to provide electrical power throughout the world. Build dams instead of pumping oil! To make these dams safe for fish we can make it so that the water has to go up a steep slope in order for that ocean water to reach the intake pipe for the dam water. Also, we can put screens, vents and other means to prevent fish or ocean life from getting into the dam mechanical operation. Also, we should be having water pipes and air vents put into water ways, rivers, lakes and oceans so to help create colder air and water for residents living near water ways. We could be making the air in our buildings a lot cooler if we were to have that air from the building to be vacuumed up into a large aluminum or other metal tube or even a plastic tube of some kind. Have the tube run underground from the building out into the water way. Once that water or air reaches the ocean or other water way it will automatically cool down a lot! We can have our buildings cooled down from the cool waters of the Earth! We could set up cool walls in every room of a dwelling. And on the outside of the building on the shaded side of the building we could set up outdoor cooling towers that would open at night and close during the warm part of the day. This way these cooling towers could be used to cool every part of the building all day. The cool water could also cool down the air before the air conditioning starts to cool the air thus saving the cost of air conditioning. Then we have to do something about the way the Sun beams down on every building because that hot Sun is warming up the building which is costing you money to power an air-conditioner so to cool down the dwelling. If you were to put a large decorative cloth covering about 3 yards away from the building on the sides of the dwelling that gets lots of Sun rays throughout the day you would succeed in lowering your electrical bill because your building will stay cooler if very little Sun rays are shining on it. The Sun is the only thing that can make something warmer than it is. Keep the Sun rays off of your building and your building will stay cooler. It’s that simple. Perhaps we could start building a second wall of some sort on the side of the dwelling that gets lots of the Sun’s rays all day long. Also, we have to start building pyramids of ice in the North and South Poles. We make ice for our drinks so let’s start remaking all the ice that has melted over the last 100 years! We should be building large pyramids of ice wherever we can in the North and South poles. We should make very large squares of ice and stack them high with spaces between the blocks of ice. This way the wind will travel through the pyramid of ice and get a lot colder as it travels through the spaces in between the blocks of ice. Also, we must assist the oceans in its quest to keep the oceans waters cold enough so to not create any more global warming. We have to send thousands of ships worldwide into the water ways of the North and South Poles and hook them all up with the capacity to make the oceans waters colder than what they are. We can have these ships create ice cubes and slush from the ocean’s waters. We can load up the oceans water with millions of ice cubes every day which should help keep that water in the North and South Poles colder than what it would be if we did nothing. We could put long hoses deep into the water ways that would transfer ice and slush deep into the water ways. But the easiest way to stop the melting of the Earth’s ice and snow is to create clouds which automatically would stop the Sun’s rays from melting and ice or snow anywhere! Clouds are our only hope for ending global warming! If we would all stop flying jet planes and rockets of all kinds, then and only then will we end global warming! Do what I say, or you will all die soon from global warming!


I am letting all of you know that my health is getting really bad and that it is a struggle for me to do anything. I am now in a 3-month flareup period of an ongoing case of chronic cellulitis that I have had for the last 40 years. The doctors have given me the strongest antibiotics that they have, and the treatment has left me very weak. Being that I am nearly 72 years old, disabled, in poor health, diabetic and I can barely walk it makes it very hard for me to do anything that requires physical energy. Also, I am homeless and living in my old rundown car, that has no air conditioning, and being that I also have second degree hypothermia, I am suffering big time. I tried to get local government help to help me get a place to live but they will not help after requesting help. I am on my own to live and die in the streets of California! That is where my life is right now. I do not have the energy to do anything! I am too sick from all of my illnesses to muster up the energy to lead or participate in any kind of physical activity. You folks are on your own to fight this plan of mine to end global warming. I have a struggle just walking a block. I have the energy level of a 92-year-old man and walk like a 92-year-old man. This lifestyle of living in my car has been killing me and eventually will. My health is bad. I need your help to get this plan of mine started that will surely end global warming. You folks are going to have to be the ones that will have to go to the airports across America, and the world, to teach the truths that I have written about on my website called solutionstoglobalwarming.com. I would like to have a mailer printed and mailed out to every household in the world explaining what it is that will be needed to end global warming. We have to convince the world to stop flying jet engine airplanes and rockets of all kinds. It’s that simple! We also have to get these airports closed that fly jet engine airplanes. This will require thousands of people to be petitioners at the airports so to create an environment that will educate people about jet planes and hopefully in some way get these jet plane flyers to not fly a jet plane because of some reason or another. So it is up to all of you to get down to these airports as petitioners and party 24/7/365 days a year until 3everybody starts flying propeller airplanes again! That is the goal folks, so let’s do it! Just get about 20-500 of your family, friends or others and go to a certain airplane terminal like United or TWA. Pick a flight carrier and constantly, 24/7, start trying to get people to sign a petition to not fly jet planes anymore. Give them an eight and a half by eleven sheet of paper that has a copy of one of my many postings about global warming. Give them something to read about that explains what I say about global warming. Teaching jet plane passengers the truth about the harms of jet planes and rockets is the only way to get these jet plane flyers to stop what they are doing! Tell the people that they either do what I say, or they will all die from global warming soon! It’s the truth folks! So help me so that I can help you. All I am looking for is an air-conditioned place to sleep and eat so that I can get off the streets and improve my health. I also need funds to get my plan to end global warming started by all of you. I will need funds for that too. If nobody helps me then will anything get done? You can send me funds through Zelle at your bank. Just send the funds to me at presidentron999@gmail.com. Any funds sent through Zelle at your bank to my email address will automatically be deposited into my bank account. So please help me so that I can help you!


How many satellites are now up there in space that are following the Earth?ChatGPT As of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021, there were thousands of operational satellites in Earth’s orbit. However, the number of satellites in space is constantly changing as new satellites are launched and older ones are decommissioned. Furthermore, there are various types of satellites serving different purposes, including communication, navigation, weather monitoring, scientific research, and more. It’s challenging to provide an…

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Memorial Day weekend May 26 2023. Hopefully, this is the weekend where the world starts legally fighting back against those that are causing our planet to get warmer, thus global warming. If you would like to help me get these ideas started you can send me funds to help me get going forward on my quest to end global warming this summer of 2023. You can send me money through the Zelle system at your bank. All you need to know is my email address which is presidentron999@gmail.com. Funds sent through Zelle to my email address will automatically be deposited into my bank account. If I have the funds, I can do a lot to end global warming and will succeed this summer! With no funding I am now living in my old run-down car that is getting worse by having to travel around doing all of this on my own, no help from anybody! Then on top of that I am again experiencing another inflammation of my chronic cellulitis that I have been fighting for the last 40 years. After getting IV treatment of the 3 strongest IV antibiotics this time around I am very weak and not up to getting around a lot. I have to have all of you to get up and get these airports closed as well as help get the public educated about what it is that I have to say! The truth must be told in order for all of you to be saved! Once people see the reason why we have to stop flying jet planes and rockets then they will want to do just that. but now they are so misinformed that they meekly follow those that speak not the truth! WE THE PEOPLE can and will end global warming this summer of 2023! Pass the word onto all in every way that you can! WE THE PEOPLE will have a 24/7/365 days a year minny Woodstock festival at every airport that allows jet planes to land or take off. We will allow all of the airports to land all of the propeller airplanes that they want to. We may even be able to get one airport in every city to only fly propeller airplanes thus giving flying passengers and cargo carriers a chance to fly on propeller airplanes without any of the hassles of petitioners. As we look at those that care not one bit in stopping the human race from not flying jet planes and rockets of all kinds, we see that about 60% of our economy is based around the jet planes and rockets industry. First, we have the whole jet plane of all kinds industries and rockets of all kinds industries who most certainly don’t in any way want or are going to willingly give up their desire to sell their jets and rockets. Then we have numerous countries who have many industries built around the use of jet planes and rockets of all kinds. Then we have our governments of the world. All of them are in some way influenced to not ever do anything like stopping the use of jet planes and rockets of all kinds. All of them depend on fast jets and rockets of all kinds so getting our governments of the world to help us in ending global warming. These folks are the main cause of global warming and the biggest obstacle in ending global warming. However, just as we close commercial airports with petitioners, traffic and pedestrians we can also close military bases with the same! I have been to the police and they tell me that we as petitioners can go to any airport and use the public owned sidewalks to ask people to sign a petition. Well, before anyone gets onto a jet airplane, they will get an earful about just what harm that they do to our planet because of their desires to get somewhere quicker on a polluting, environmental unfriendly, Earth destroying flying machine! We will get everyone in the world, especially the flying public, to realize what harm these jet airplanes are doing to our planet. We have to convince the world to go back to only flying propeller airplanes immediately! We need to get all of you to contact your airlines and tell them that you are not flying jet planes anymore and that you will only book a flight on a propeller airplane! Kids, wake up! Kids, refuse to fly anywhere on a jet engine airplane again! You kids can shake up the world and get us grownups from destroying your planet! Tell the grownups that all of you kids everywhere in the world will no longer fly jet engine airplanes! Kids, this is your planet to live hopefully a full life as we all here today have done. Kids, unfortunately many things that grownups do are wrong and need to be done right. But grownups have a way of putting off until tomorrow what it is that we should do today. Kids, grownups don’t solve big problems, they just ignore them as much as they can and live it up today in the best way that they can. Kids and everyone else, unfortunately, these grownups are messing up big time now with this global warming stuff! When you have governments worldwide somehow supporting the jet plane and rocket industries then you see what we are up against. When you have investors, many of them government officials or relatives or friends or any investor wanting us humans to always use jet planes or rockets of all kinds then you see what we are up against when it comes to getting our planet to finally end global warming! We have to persevere as much as possible to overcome those that care not about the harm that they do to us all with their continuation of their desire to fly jet planes and rockets of all kinds!


It is time for everyone to rise up and immediately end global warming. We must end global warming this summer, 2023 or else our planet may not be able to stop the melting of the world’s ice. Once those big icebergs in the South Pole start moving towards the oceans waters then it will be too late to stop the ending of the ice age which means that the planet Earth will have no more winters. Civilization as we know it will not be able to survive in a world of no winters! That is why it is important that we end global warming immediately. I explain all of this on my website solutionstoglobalwarming.com.

So, it is important that we have a plan that will immediately end global warming and I have just the plan. However, I will need for all of you to join me in initiating this plan that will surely end global warming immediately. The plan is for tens of thousands of people to go to the largest airports in their area as petitioners and ask all the people who are going to fly or have…

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