
Adding to all my miseries as I travel around in my old car, I now have major mechanical problems which makes my financial situation worse than it already is. I can’t do much if I am financially broke from having to repair my old 1996 car that has many mechanical problems. Can’t do much if I can’t get around. Can’t advertise anything about global warming and how my suggestions will not only end global warming but also show all of you how we can live more in harmony with nature in our quest to build anything or how to do anything better. Put being broke and ion very poor health leaves me no ways to achieve my goals of ending global warming as well as the many other things that I would like to do before I get put into that human oven that all of us poor people use to be turned into dust.

Some of the other things that I would like to get done is to have some feeding program set up for the Polar Bears in North America. If the Polar Bears and other bears and animals can’t get to the seals and fish to feed then it’s time that we humans brought the fish and seals to the animals on land! Also we will do the same for the elephants of Africa. We will set…

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To add to all of our problems with global warming, we have to also figure in a very important reason why we are having an increase in the Earth’s atmospheric temperatures. That other reason for an increase in global warming is those thousands of satellites that we now have flying around in our upper atmosphere. Those thousands of satellites are using the most harmful fuel known to mankind to power their engines to follow the Earth as the Earth revolves around the Sun. All of that heat from all of those thousands of satellites constantly burning the most dangerous fuel on Earth has to automatically cool down the temperature of the air in the space where these satellites fly. Warmer air up there where satellite fly means warmer air down here on Earth. The laws of physics is proof that that is true. We have to get interchangeable long-lasting batteries to provide power to move these satellites around space. Also, we need to figure out a new way to send satellites into space. Perhaps we can send a large propeller transport airplane flying as high as it can and then release something that will give lift to the satellite until it reaches a certain point after which we will then use remote control battery power moving space vehicles to move the satellite into position in space or to change batteries on satellites. Or we could just use a cord that will be connected to Earth and would go all the way up into the area where satellites fly. Somehow we would have to figure if this idea would work. But we have to do something about these satellites because they are burning fuel, which is heat. Heat is what causes global warming. Global warming started in the 1950’s when weapon rockets and space rockets of all kinds as well as jet planes of all kinds were introduced into our Earth’s atmosphere. Satellites were introduced into our atmosphere about the same time but in the last 50 years the number of satellites in space has greatly increase. So, satellites as well jet plane and rockets have got to go as much as possible so that we can lower the temperature of the air in our atmosphere. We have to go back to only flying propeller airplanes so that we can immediately decrease the temperature of the air in our atmosphere. Once the Earth’s temperature comes down a little and the all tyhe jets stop flying around the world then clouds will form all over the world. Once clouds buid up and get big enough to create rain then again the Earth’s temperature will come down. Once the clouds overwhelms the Sun’s ablity to contact most of the Earth then the Earth’s temperature, as well as the temperature of the waters of our planet Earth, then the Earth will cool down enough to be able to have a temperature that will not melt permafrost. Once the permafrost stops melting then that means that the Earth’s atmosphere has once again returned to being able to maintain the weather systems that we have had for millions of years when all this ice that we now have on Earth was created at the beginning of the ice age we are in. We are on a path that will end this ice age we live in. Once those big chunks of ice start following of the South Pole and start travelling into the Earth’s waters then the ice age is over as well as cilivization! For you humans will never be able to organize a cilivization that will be able to deal with the world that will ensue once that large piece of ice falls into the Earth’s water ways. It will be total world chaos!


To understand how jet planes and rockets are the number one cause of global warming just get into your car that has been sitting for a while on a cold day. Notice that fog and ice on the windows of your car, inside and out. That fog and ice is water moisture. To get rid of that fog you turn on the car and then turn on the windshield heater which eventually will heat up that windshield and melt that ice and snow which causes that ice and snow to disappear. Heat made that ice and snow disappear. Direct heat on the front windshield makes that front windshield ice and snow disappear sooner than the rest of the windows. If you don’t have a rear window electric heater system, then your back windshield window will take the longest to defrost because it is farther from the heater in the window defroster in the front window area. So that shows that direct heat on water vapors, fog, ice, or snow can make all of that kinds of water disappear. So, direct heat on the area of our skies where clouds are formed will drastically enhance the power of the heat to make water vapors, or precipitation, or in other words, clouds disappear. The Earth is in a battle with the Sun to preserve life on Earth. Our planet Earth has only one defense in this battle with the Sun its quest to evaporate all the water from our planet and that is clouds. Without clouds there is no life on Earth. These jet planes and rockets are destroying pour planet and must be stopped! We have to immediately put a stop to global warming! And we can immediately put a stop to global warming simply by legally shutting down all public and military airports worldwide. In America we can easily shut down our airports by having thousands of people to go to the airports as petitioners.


PART 6 of my conversation with the chatGPT AI computer.

Then isn’t it safe to say that jet planes heat up our atmoshere a lot? Yes, it is safe to say that jet planes heat up the atmosphere to some extent due to the process of compressing and heating the air as it is drawn into the engine. However, the overall contribution of jet planes to global warming is still subject to debate and study, as it depends on various factors such as the number…

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Don’t mess with Mother Nature! Mother Nature owns the skies! Don’t heat up Mother Nature’s atmosphere and make it harder for Mother Nature to produce clouds! Mother Nature has enough problems keeping the Earth cool enough so that the permafrost, as well as all the ice and snow on Earth stops melting! For, if it wasn’t for Mother Nature’s clouds, all life on Earth, including us humans, would not be able to live here anymore on this beautiful paradise all of us are gifted to enjoy. We live on a planet that is unique in this vast universe. The Earth is like a bubble planet. All life on this planet Earth can exist only because we have this bubble of atmosphere to live in. We are the bubble people! There is no other planet for us humans to live on. And if many of you want to keep giving money to people like Elon Musk, owner of Twitter, Telsa, and maker of Space X rockets and Jeff Bezos, owner of Amazon.com and is the maker of the Blue Origin, maker of one of the largest outer space rocket companies then you will continue to have global warming. These two uncaring, selfish, self-centered, egotistical ultra rich individuals are destroying our planet with the rockets they make! Stop doing business with their companies so that we can drive them broke! When they both stary losing money then they will have to stop destroying our planet with their rockets! It is either we live here on Earth or we humans, as well as all other life on this planet, will not be able to live at all because we are destroying the most important thing on Earth! Wait, let me ask all of you a question. Just what is the most important thing on Earth? Come on, let’s see how knowledgeable you are about what the reality is when you talk about nature and global warming. Well, clouds are the most important thing on Earth! Clouds are our Earth’s Mother Nature’s only defense against the hot Sun, Earth’s Mother Nature washing machine and Earth’s Mother Nature water making machine! Without clouds there is no life on Earth! I want all of you to realize that there is a battle to the death going on between that extremely hot gigantic ball of fire we call the Sun and our clouds. Suns burn up everything on every planet that it’s deadly rays can reach. The Sun is the only thing that can create global warming and the clouds are the only thing that can prevent global warming! Clouds are the Earth’s only thing that can provide enough shade from the Sun to prevent global warming. Luckly, we have the clouds. Clouds are the Earth’s only defense against the Sun burning up everything on this planet and evaporating all the water from our planet. Take a look at Africa and other desert areas of our planet and you will see what damage the hot rays of the Sun can do. Clouds provide us with areas of the planet to live. Lack of clouds create lots of problems. Clouds start out as a water molecule vapor emitted from mostly the trees and from vegetation and also the water vapor in the atmosphere. Trees drink the water from the rain and suck up water from the Earth with its tree roots. As the water molecules travel through the trees they are purified and then after being digested the water is then belched into the sky by the trees in the form of water vaper. As the combined water vapor moisture heats up and rises from the Earth into the area of Earth where clouds are formed, they accumulate and form clouds. Floating water vapors in the sky bunch together to form clouds. Clouds are like floating cotton candy in the sky, flying around and attaching their floating water together to form clouds. Sometimes clouds are formed in the sky but yields no rain. Then the clouds travel through our atmosphere until the Sun evaporates the clouds and all its moisture as more water is robbed through evaporation, from the Earth, by the hot Sun. Sometimes the water molecules floating around in our atmosphere accumulate enough water vapor molecules to form clouds that are big enough for our clouds to produce rain. Clouds start out as water vapors. Jet Planes and rockets create heat that causes water vapors to decrease in our atmosphere. Decreasing water vapors makes it harder for Mother Nature to produce clouds. No clouds mean no rain and no shade from the Sun! Also, clouds and its rain are also the only way for Mother Nature to clean out our atmosphere! Our planet Earth has had a lot of volcanoes erupt over its time and distribute a lot of pollutants into our Earth’s atmosphere but our good ole Mother Nature just turned on the rain and cleaned out atmosphere every time. So remember, Clouds are our only hope to rid ourselves of the problems of global warming. Trees are the main thing that provides water vapors for Mother Nature to produce clouds. Jet planes and rockets are the main cause of vacuuming and heating up of our atmosphere! Jet Planes are the only thing we humans use that with blend all the air in our atmosphere which in itself causes the temperature of our atmosphere world-wide to constantly rise. If we all stop flying jet planes and rockets of all kinds then the temperature of our atmosphere will get colder. Once the Earth’s atmospheric temperature gets colder, then the permafrost around the world will stop melting. Once the permafrost stops melting then global warming is over! We can easily bring down the temperature of our atmosphere in 3 months if we all started flying propeller airplanes instead of jet airplanes. Also, we will have to stop flying rockets of all kinds. Let’s just do it and end global warming!


Read my new webpage at solutionstoglobalwarming.com to see how we can easily end global warming! In the times we are in it is important that we come up with new solutions for the problems we are in. That is truer with concerns of the environment than with anything else. Our environment is coming under assault from humans more so now than ever before. Our governments and our so-called leaders of environmental minds haven’t done anything yet to end global warming and have shown that they haven’t a clue on how to end global warming. I am hoping to educate all of them and you on how we can easily and permanently end global warming within 3 months if we all stop flying jet airplanes of all kinds and stop flying rockets of all kinds. Of course, we will have to do more than that but by not flying jet airplanes and rockets we will then enable Mother Nature to again surround the planet entirely with a cold layer of air molecules from outer space that will help keep our whole atmosphere around the Earth cool enough so that the ice, snow and especially the permafrost on Earth will stop melting! Now that will be an achievement because then it will mean that global warming is over! But in order to survive on this planet us humans will have to do one more thing that is very important! And it scares me that no one else is even talking about this very important thing that us humans have got to do in order to preserve the ice age we live in and all the luxuries there is to have when we have ice and snow on Earth!

The one thing we have got to do immediately is to preserve, protect, and build more ice around the world! WE humans can make ice. We sell it in all grocery stores. Well, let’s start making ice and staking it up frozen in cold weather areas around the world! Let’s take rainwater and turn it into ice. Then we will store it until we can stack it outside somewhere where Mother Nature can keep it…

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PART 5 of my conversation with the AI computer. this is a copy of my last posting.

Was there any global warming going on anywhere during the years of 1850 and 1950? There is evidence that suggests that there was some global warming during the period from 1850 to 1950, although it was not as significant as the warming observed in recent decades. This period is often referred to as the “early warming period” or the “first warming period” of the 20th century. The warming during this time was likely due to…

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Was there any global warming going on anywhere during the years of 1850 and 1950?

There is evidence that suggests that there was some global warming during the period from 1850 to 1950, although it was not as significant as the warming observed in recent decades. This period is often referred to as the “early warming period” or the “first warming period” of the 20th century. The warming during this time was likely due to a combination of factors, including increased solar radiation, changes in atmospheric circulation patterns, and natural…

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PART 4 of my conversation with the chatGPT computer

As an AI language model, my responses are based on the information and knowledge I have been trained on, but I do my best to take your input and perspectives into account when formulating my answers. I appreciate your insights and contributions to the conversation, and I will do my best to provide informed and thoughtful responses to your questions and comments. Read my Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/ron.mccune.3 to see all of my postings about…

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To understand just hard it will be in the future to get food when the panic button is pushed, and everything starts to unravel, just take a walk down your grocery isle and ask yourselves, just how many people does it take to get each food item for me and my family to eat and also everybody within 30 miles and more if you live in cities? Think about the farmers, ranchers, seed suppliers, food processors, food handlers, slaughterhouse workers, distributers, truckers, clerks, inspectors, water and electrical and fuel suppliers and everyone else that will be needed to bring any food item to your table. Every single food item takes a lot of people to work together to make sure that all of you get food every day. All that will end when some and then more and then a massive amount and then everyone panics and take all the food that they can get. Once those grocery stores are emptied out, they will be impossible to fill up again. You have to also realize that most households only have about a week or two weeks of food at their house. Very few people have more than 2 weeks of food at their house. This will cause a big problem in the future when everyone starts searching for food. That is the future all of you face.