
Ron McCune

  ·  Shared with Public This posting and the following 3-4 postings are back and forth question-and-answer session between me and the AI computer chatGPT webpage. You will see that all of you humans are being taught wrong by this AI computer chatGPT and everyone else and need to be taught what is exactly going on in our environment and what is going to happen to us as now and in the next 20 years. The…

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PART 2 of my coversation with the chatGPT AI computer Ron McCune

However, now since the 1950’s when jet planes and rockets were first invented and used us humans had to deal with this thing, we call global warming. Never before in the history of the Earth has there ever been anything like jets and rockets that were ever used. Never before has the human race ever put anything up into the area of our atmosphere that was as hot as jet planes and rockets. Or have…

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PART 3 in my conversation with the chatGPT AI computer In my opinion I believe, and all of you too should believe if you care to live much longer on this planet, that it is about time that we stop giving money to those that are destroying our planet the most! Rockets are the hottest devise that emits heat that we humans put into our atmosphere. I’ve already numerous times have requested from the government and aero space industry and the environmental organizations and others for the data that shows just how hot and what happens to hot exhaust as it leaves rockets. How far does the exhaust heat and pollutants travel from the exhaust areas of rockets and how does that heat and pollutants interact with other molecules last as it travels through our atmosphere? How all this affects global warming is being ignored as we fly numerous jet planes and rockets into our atmosphere. I read where there is about 440 tons of jet fuel to fly every Space X rocket!

The revenue collected from the sales of products at Telsa Motors and Amazon.com go toward the building of rockets! These two companies are responsible for putting massive amounts of heat into our atmosphere which it appears that to affect our amount of heat we have to deal with in these days of global warming! I feel that the ONLY way we can lower the temperature of the temperature of our atmosphere is to stop flying…

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Read my Facebook page at www.facebook.com/ron.mccune.3 to see all of the different things that I discuss. I show how to create a new government; how to balance the budget; how to create world peace; how to feed the hungry; how to create a 10 body; how to lose weight easily; how to remake your body a lot better; how to create a new, better police force and criminal rehabilitation system; how to make a better America, a better world and a better environment for us all. But this webpage is dedicated to ending global warming now! Let’s do it!


Right now, it is hard to think, type and post when I am living in such hard times. My personal life is in despair. I need help from you. I am now living in the streets of America. If any of you would like to help me or help me get any of the projects I am trying to get done, you can donate and send money directly to me to my bank account thru your bank account’s money transfer system called Zelle. My bank account has my Zelle account opened and operating.

Zelle is a money transfer system that most major banks in America use that allows their bank account’s customers to use their bank account to send or receive money from others who also have a bank account with a major American bank. It’s kind of like PayPal but Zelle is free and is only available to customers who have an account at the banks in America who are participating in the Zelle money transfer system.…

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Read my Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/ron.mccune.3 to see all of my postings about many different subjects. This posting will continue onward with postings of the date I am adding to this posting. A lot of major disasters in the world, especially concerning our environment, are occurring and I feel the need to address them because the end of cilivization is in our future unless we stop this global warming problem. I will fully explain as time moves forward as well as add more details about all the projects I am trying to get done.

Right now, it is hard to think, type and post when I am living in such hard times. My personal life is in despair. I need help from you. I am now living in the streets of America. If any of you would like to help me or help me get any of the projects I am trying to get done, you can donate and send money directly to me to my bank account thru…

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To understand where a hurricane is going just watch the upper part of the hurricane. When it sticks it’s pecker out of it’s rotating spiralling hurricane force then that is an indication of where it is headed. A hurricanes pecker is like ours, it only comes out when needed. Watch the top part of a hurricane and as it is spinning you will see a quick flash like an arrow exerting from the hurricane. That pecker flash usually happens as the hurricane is approaching the area 100-200 miles before Puerto Rico. That flash is like a directional signal to the hurricane on which direction the hurricane will soon take. A hurricane is like a gigantic blind octopus looking for the deepest warmest water to swim in. The earth’s contour under the water determines where the hurricane wants to go most times. Sometimes prevailing winds can push the hurricane towards and or onto land. Florida has some deep water areas along the eastern coast of Florida which causes most hurricanes to travel along the coastline of Florida and the eastern coast if they don’t go into the Gulf of Mexico and then towards the Texas or New Orleans area.


I want ALL of you to realize that before the Ice Age on Earth that the Earth did NOT experience the winters that we use to have about 60 years ago and had since the Ice Age. Since 1960 when global warming started due to the introduction of jet engine airplanes, rockets and rocket weapons which drastically increased the heat in the upper atmosphere where rain clouds form, the Earth stopped having the normal winters we use to have and progressed into the kind of winters we have now which in no way compare to the kind of winters we had before 1960. If the Earth continues on the path it is on today the Earth will be doomed to not being able to support life on Earth for us humans.

Think about this. Before the Ice Age the Earth REALLY didn’t have much cold winters. The weather before the Ice Age allowed vegetation and trees to grow all the way up in Alaska and all the other places that are now cold areas of the Earth. In fact I believe we didn’t have much cold air around the world at all before the Ice Age. The Ice Age gave the planet all the ice we…

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I need for ALL OF YOU, your government and your news organization to get the facts about how many fracking wells are in the United tates and then the world. Then I need for you to add up all the fracking wells in the U.S. and then the world. Then I need for you to combine the wells of the U.S. and then the world and figure out how big the burning of natural gas is in the U.S. and then the world. Then you have to lay out a picture to the public of how big an area is this combination of fracking wells. I suspect that the area is about the size of Florida. Then you have to draw a picture of the combination of those fracking wells and display how big of a natural gas fire we are burning from all these fracking wells. Also you have to draw a picture or diagram of how much natural gas is leaking from all these wells. Then you have to get the temperatures at different levels all the way up to our upper atmosphere around these Fracking wells, especially for a mile around and up above the fracking well. Then you have to add up all the data and show how each well and the combination of all wells together heats up our environment. I don’t know why no one has figured out yet that global warming greatly increased since 2006 or so when the world and especially America started using fracking to get natural gas but we better stop this fracking of natural gas or we are going to totally destroy our planet in about 20 years when we have melted most if not all of the North and South poles as well as most every glacier in the world. The earth’s atmosphere will no longer be able to produce ENOUGH clouds and rain without cold fronts which will lead to our atmosphere shutting down as it is today and having desert like conditions worldwide! I’M BEGGING YOU for the good of humanity to investigate all of this NOW before it is TOO LATE! Our politicians are a bunch of money whores who refuse to come up with solutions to ALL of our problems and are TOO STUPID to know how to solve our problems! So it is up to WE THE PEOPLE to solve our problems! I don’t see the news media yet investigating these ideas I say we need investigated so I ask you WHO WILL?!!!!! WILL YOU?!!!!!

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