
To end global warming we must ALL, civilian, military stop flying jet engine airplanes and using rockets of all kinds. Jet engine airplanes are gigantic vacuum machines sucking up the upper atmosphere water molecules, heating them up and polluting them which results in destroying them. Go to flightradar24.com to see all the planes in the air at that moment of the day. There are about 92,000 jet flights a day by civilian aircraft. Who knows how many military planes are in the air everyday. A lot I’m sure. Civilian airplanes exhaust ranges from 800 degrees to 1200 degrees. Military jets exhaust ranges from 1200 degrees to 2500 degrees. There is nothing else that is so hot like these jets that we humans put into the sky. As you vacuum your floor with your vacuum watch how dust balls are sucked into the vacuum from areas not directly in front of the vacuum. That same action is going on in the upper atmosphere. These jet planes are vacuuming up a lot of good cloud producing water molecules and leaving exhaust that further destroys water molecules! We will NEVER end global warming until we ALL stop flying jet airplanes and go back to using propeller airplanes because they don’t destroy our environment. We had WWI and WWII and we didn’t experience global warming. It wasn’t until we started flying jet engine airplanes in mass in the 1960’s which is when the global warming started. Take a look at the weather maps after 9-11 when the air traffic was stopped after the twin towers attack in New York. See how the cloud production worldwide increased dramatically for a while while the order to stop flying was initiated then. We can immediately start producing more clouds and more rain if we don’t fly jet planes! Check out the Facebook page of Ron McCune from Chicago Illinois to see more details about this.


WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! The ice in the North Pole region is going to be almost completely melted in about 10 to 15 years! The ice in the South Pole will be melted in about 15 to 20 years! NASA or someone else recently made a video, which was posted on the internet that showed the area of the North Pole from the 1960’s all the way up to 2019. In that video you can see that global warming started to progress rapidly since the 1960’s. That is the time that humans started to flying jet engine airplanes and started driving combustion cars in mass. Also that is about the time that China started polluting and heating up the atmosphere with their mass increase in manufacturing plants. In the video you will see that in the 1960’s on the Russian side of the Pacific Ocean where land meets water you will see a warming trend in the coastal water areas of the Pacific ocean. This is caused by the melting of permafrost in Russia’s area of the Earth. Permafrost melts easier than ice which makes it the weakest ice formations on Earth. The permafrost has been melting in the North Pole since the 1960’s and has increased rapidly every year as global warming gets worse. This melting of the permafrost has resulted in a lot of warmer water than normal flowing into the Pacific Ocean in the North Pole area. The video shows how this warming water has drain into the Pacific Ocean and the water currents have distributed this warm water into the North Pole around Russia. As time went on the video shows how this warm water has melted the ice of the North Pole. In the video you can see the water currents yearly melting away the ice of the North Pole. In the latter years of the video you will see that the increase of global warming has also started the melting of the permafrost around Alaska which increased the melting of the North Pole. Folks, in about 10 to 15 years all that ice in the North Pole will have melted and the water currents has distributed that warmer water around the world where it is now helping the accelerate the melting of the South Pole. In about 15 years when the North Pole’s ice is near completely melted and the South Pole is about melted too you will see a whole new weather system all around the world! This new weather system will wreck havoc all over the Earth. It will be an ever changing weather system that will eventually lead the Earth onto a dead march as the Sun starts to bake the Earth into a dead planet that can’t support life as we know it today! Eventually the Earth will start it’s dead march as it becomes more and more like Venus and Mars, two planets that the sun baked into oblivion! Without a certain atmosphere a planet cannot support life. Without clouds the Earth would bake itself and the Sun would evaporate all the water. Without clouds you have no rain. Without rain you have no life on Earth. Without trees and vegetation you have no moisture in the air. Without moisture in the air you have no rain.In the 1960’s us humans started flying jet engine airplanes and rockets of all kinds. Rockets put a lot of hot air into the atmosphere. The Space Shuttles exhaust was as hot as the SUN!!! Jet engine airplanes are gigantic vacuum machines that emit hot polluted exhausts. Jet engine planes suck in massive amounts of air in the upper atmosphere where clouds are formed. A jet engine airplane can suck in and heat up enough air to fill an enclosed Super Size football stadium every two minutes! Then these jet planes heat up the air a lot. A jet passenger plane’s exhaust ranges from 800 degrees for small jet planes to 1200 degrees for large jet engine planes. Military jet planes exhaust can range from 1200 degrees to 2500 degrees! All of this heated exhaust is released into the area of the planet where clouds are formed. The area of the upper atmosphere space begins and where our Earth’s atmosphere starts and where the clouds are formed use to be about 0 degrees and up to 32 degrees. With all the heat from jet planes and rockets our upper atmosphere is daily heating up more! Go on the internet and check out a site called flightradar24.com and on that site you will see how many jet planes are flying at that moment worldwide. Now keep in mind this site doesn’t include all the military jet planes worldwide. Folks, there are about 90,000 jet flights worldwide every day and that doesn’t include military planes which the governments of the world won’t reveal. If you average out that each jet flight is about 3 hours then daily about 194,400,000 enclosed football stadiums of hot polluted air, striped of it’s moisture content, is emitted into our atmosphere. And that is a low estimate! Folks, stand them up and there is only about 30-50 enclosed size stadiums of air between the ground and outer space! As these jet planes travel the Earth vacuuming and heating up the atmosphere they lessen the amount of moisture in the atmosphere which causes less clouds and rain worldwide. Folks, we have to go back to flying propeller airplanes which don’t vacuum the air in our atmosphere like jet planes do and don’t pollute our atmosphere like jet planes do and don’t heat up the atmosphere like jet engine airplanes do! Also we have to get rid of combustion engine vehicles of all kinds because they too suck in air which it then heats up and pollutes. All of us have to convert to driving electric cars and other electrical transportation. You all better do this because in about 10 years when the poles are mostly melted the Earth’s weather system will surely change and it will be too late to change things back to where they were today or the past because there is no way we can make all the ice and snow that we have today in the world or years ago! So I’m warning all of you to do something today before it is too late! Are you going to trust Trump and the Republicans to do something about stopping this melting of the North and South poles? Do you even think that Trump and the Republicans and FOX news and ALL of Trump’s supporters are even going to aknowledge any of this let alone do what needs to be done now to avert any of this! Trump and the Republicans are the cause of all of this because for years they prevented anything from ever getting done and will do so forever! I ask all of you just what kind of world do we want to give to our kids? Trump and the Republicans don’t care! DO YOU! Vote Trump and the Republicans out of political office because your lives and your children’s lives and our planet depend on you doing just that! This is a warning! You better listen!


The end is coming and we are all a witness to it. The South and North Poles are melting along with the world’s glaciers and snow covered mountains and will all be gone in about 10-20 years. When this glop of ice in the above mention article starts moving down the cliff mountains and rocks won’t stop it as it accelerates down the slope deep into the ocean only to set off a Sununi size tidal wave felt for most of the Earth. Water levels will rise temporarily dramatically but with the Earth having too few clouds to stop the Sun’s rays from evaporating the water of the Earth& making it disappear into nothing instead of making clouds to produce more rain this water level rise will soon thereafter& the Earth’s ocean water levels dramatically decrease as less rain world wide caused by less clouds& more of the Sun’s rays evaporate more water and more people world wide rely on ocean water for their water because most parts of the Earth no longer have water because there is no more creeks, streams, rivers, lakes anywhere because of no more snow covered mountains &no more rain.

Right now the Earth is in a change. Global warming has melted the world’s permafrost areas of the Earth and all that melted water coming out of that permafrost is draining into the oceans. Recent weather maps showing the North Pole from 1960’s to today shows that is so. This warmer water from the permafrost will have completely melted the ice in the North Pole in about 10 years. The warmer ocean water will then…

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I want all of you to observe nature in ways that make you realize just how our daily routines are destroying the Earth. With the Coronavirus lockdown the world is experiencing some drastic changes is going on in our environment which should show us beyond a doubt that we can change the pace of global warming just by doing some things differently. About 2-4 months ago different nations enacted shutdowns that resulted in far less pollution in many parts of the world. The Earth during this lockdown time has also been creating some massive storms throughout the world. I am told that California is experiencing rain at a time of the year that it usually doesn’t rain. There are more clouds above many areas of the Earth and they are bigger and more normal looking than the what I call cornfields of clouds that we have been seeing much more of in the last 2 decades around the planet. These cornfield rolls of clouds don’t produce rain and only help to absorb water from the planet after which these clouds hold the water till the Sun makes the water evaporate into nothing. The Sun can make any planet’s liquid content, such as water, evaporate if there is no atmosphere that contains clouds to stop the sun’s hot rays from heating up water or any liquid on that planet. Mars and Venus had some encounters which resulted in the Sun toasting those planets into a gigantic piece of floating rock and the Sun can do the same to the Earth if we don’t start doing something to give the Earth more clouds. Now there seems to be more rain in a lot of places around the Earth since the Coronavirus shutdown and the shutdown has a lot to do with that. And that goes to show you that if we do stop flying turbo jet airplanes and rockets of all kinds while also stop using cars and combustion vehicles and things of all kinds then the Earth can produce more clouds and rain. We are going to need for this to happen because the Earth soon will be exiting the era where the North and South Poles as well as the snow and ice covered mountains and glaciers were able to provide the Earth with some colder weather to help the Earth produce clouds. This new era that the Earth will be going into in about 15-20 will be here and NONE OF YOU are even talking about it or making plans on how to stop it or live in this new period of Earth’s existence! Here we got the WHOLE NASA establishment looking at anything and everything they can as long as someone gives them money to but NONE of NASA people or anyone else in government or the press or anyone else is talking and planning to do anything about the end of the Earth as we know it! Oh, you don’t think it’s going to happen? Well let me ask all of you this, what kind of Earth will we have if we don’t have any North and South Pole ice or any ice around the world for 9 months out of the year during summer, fall and spring? How will streams, creeks, rivers, lakes and oceans get their water if there is no water coming from melting ice? How will people, animals, trees and plants live in areas that have no more water? How will the Earth produce enough clouds to shield the whole Earth from the heat of the Sun’s hot rays if there is more hot air in the atmosphere and not enough cold air because there is no more ice or snow anywhere on the Earth for 9 months of the year? Huh NASA, government officials, scientist, the press or anyone else, are you going to tell us now about these things or are you going to ignore them? More on this subject later. .


WARNING! WARNING! WAKE UP EVERYBODY! We have a major problem on Earth. And why the hell am I the only one on Earth sounding the alarm? Satellite photos from the 1960’s till now has shown that global warming has been going on since the 1960’s when jet engine airplanes started flying and China started their massive polluting industrial buildup. Take a look at the 1960’s photos and you can see how the weakest part of ice, which is permafrost, was the first thing that started melting in mass around Russia and China area of the planet. There is photo evidence of this warmer melted water from the melting permafrost draining into the area around Russia and China’s coastline. The photos show warmer melted permafrost water over time traveling into the Arctic Sea and the area around Russia’s side of the North Pole where, in the photos, shows how that warmer water has since the 1960’s been melting the ice of the North Pole. In the photos you can see how that warmer melted permafrost water traveled from Russia and over the years till this day has been not only melting the North Pole ice but has resulted in warming the waters of the world through the water circulation systems of the world. This also resulted in the ice and permafrost to be melting around the whole Arctic area. This melting of all the permafrost and ice on the Earth will go on till it is all gone unless we immediately shut down all the ways us humans are warming up the Earth. Russia has been for years purposely trying to heat up their part of the world with multiple military drills and military parades across Russia so that the heat from all those planes and military hardware can warm up Russia. Russia has already built numerous boat ports along its northern border so that Russia could profit from a ice free North Pole so that northern Russia’s waterways could become the new transportation from China to Europe and elsewhere thus replacing the need for many to have to use the Panama Canal to move ships. Now we have a hot weather system over Russia’s Siberia region that has sent temperatures in the North Pole to the 90’s, something that never has been seen before! Something strange is going on in that part of the planet that is warming up that part of the Earth more rapidly than normal. Either China or Russia or India or all of them together are doing something to put massive amounts of hot air into the atmosphere. If we don’t stop everyone everywhere from warming the planet then it could take another 15-20 years for the North Pole’s ice to be completely melted and about 15-25 years for the South Pole to be completely free of ice. When all that happens then the Earth will be in a new uncharted era where I’m sad to say not one of you even know what that will be! For then will be the unavoidable, irreversible, frightening, chaotic new world which those still alive will have to face! There is no plan to stop this from happening! There is not even any discussion of this! Trump and the Republicans don’t even believe in global warming and won’t do anything to stop it but will do a lot to make global warming worse! NASA and ALL the scientist of the world don’t talk about any of this. They are interested in taking our money and looking at other planets instead of figuring out how we are to live on Earth!

So folks, since no one has offered any plan to avert this catastrophe you will face but me let me present it to you and hopefully you will wake up before you all die a horrific death of some kind in the future as the Earth takes it’s last breath of existence as we know it. Folks, we have to entirely change our lifestyles, our way of living. We have to stop flying turbo jet…

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Face reality folks, YOU’RE DOOMED! But then you folks can’t face reality so for sure you are DOOMED! You BOZOS keep flying gigantic VACUUM MACHINES called jet engine airplanes and rockets that SUCK UP AND THEN HEAT UP AND THEN POLLUTE our upper atmosphere where clouds are formed. Theses jet planes suck in enough air to fill a Astrodome size stadium in 2 minutes! If you were to stack the Astrodome stadiums on top of each other it would take about a stack of 43 Astrodome stadiums to reach the part of our atmosphere where clouds are formed. ALL of this sucked in air is heated up from 800 degrees to 1200 degrees for passenger airplanes. Military jet planes exhaust ranges from 1200 degrees to 2500 degrees! Rockets are much hotter! The Space Shuttle was as HOT AS THE SUN! ALL of these flying machines pollute our atmosphere with exhaust that contains many harmful ingredients that causes nature to not be able to combine the right ingredients in the atmosphere’s air to make clouds. Nature needs a certain level of moisture in the air to make clouds. When YOU DAILY suck out moisture from the atmosphere it leaves less moisture in the atmosphere to MAKE CLOUDS! And when you FACE REALITY you will realize that CLOUDS are NATURE’S ONLY way to provide the Earth with a shield of some kind to deflect the hot heat waves that emit millions of miles away from this great ball of fire we call the Sun! But you BOZOS constantly daily fly 90,000 of these polluting PASSENGER jet engine airplanes and who knows how many military planes, into our atmosphere where clouds are formed and fly them around for HOURS as YOU SUCK UP, HEAT UP AND POLLUTE OUR ATMOSPHERE! ALSO you BOZOS are flying who knows how many hotter military airplanes, rockets and weapons of all kinds which also adds to our heated atmosphere. Folks, with ALL the heat and pollutants that you have emitted over time into our atmosphere we have tipped the atmospheric moisture content balance that nature needs to produce CLOUDS AND RAIN and tipped nature into a weather pattern where nature can’t produce enough atmospheric moisture to create clouds and rain and instead now nature is geared to be so that since there is less clouds the Sun can now more easily reach the Earth’s surface and heat up our planet which causes nature to then enter a cycle where the Sun will evaporate water from the planet constantly but nature will only be able to produce a limited amount of clouds or no clouds in most areas. But these clouds won’t produce rain but instead will evaporate from the heat of he Sun. This is how planets turn from having moisture like Earth to not having moisture like Mars or Venus or other planets. So the combination of the jet planes and rockets have heated up our atmosphere since the 1960’s to the point where the weakest link in the Earth’s ice formations which is permafrost has been melting in mass since the 1960’s and that warmer melted permafrost water has been leaking into the North Pole’s ice region where it has since the 1960’s been melting the ice in the North Pole! As the WARMER melted water from the melted North Pole ice started circulating around the world since the 1960’s the oceans and the South Pole waters also started heating up. As waves gulped in more hot air the oceans heated up more. Also Humans cut down many trees around the planet. Trees are nature’s way of providing shade and natural cooling towers for the Earth. Trees also help nature create moisture in the environment. So all of this caused our planet to not be able to provide the environment for nature to perform as it did before the 1940’s. We have to IMMEDIATELY change that because once the North and South Poles ice has all melted as well as all the earth’s ice glaciers and snow covered mountains are gone this planet will be doomed into becoming a hell on earth as the Sun will then start the path of baking the Earth into looking like Venus! WE HAVE TO go back to flying ONLY propeller airplanes which don’t suck up air or heat air up or pollute the air as jet planes do! We ALL also have to stop driving combustion engine vehicles and start driving electric cars or use another way to transport people and goods. But do something NOW before it is too late!


Ron McCune

  ·  Shared with Public REBEL’S DAILY REPORTS . It’s time all of us take a realistic look at global warming so that we can fiqure out what is causing it and how to stop global warming. Back in 1960’s jet engine airplanes starting replacing propeller airplanes. Also at the time period China started it’s massive industrial buildup which led to massive pollution and heat being emitted into the atmosphere. Then at that time in the…

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I always say to understand nature you must understand it’s molecules. A rooms temperature can be easily controlled if we control the temperature of the molecules in the room. If we put wall paper like wrappings on the walls and ceilings that prevent the transfer of hot or cold temperature this would eliminate the ability for rooms to get cold or hot from walls. Then if we put in these Cool Tube walls in rooms that cool and heat then we will have an enclosed environment where the outside air temperature doesn’t affect the inside air temperature. Then if we also make furniture and beds with the Cool Tube design we could sit and sleep comfortably inside. Then if we were to put fans that pushed that warmed or cold air around the room we would have a comfortable room. WE could even make better Cool Tubes that use the energy of the Sun and wind to also help cool and heat the room. We could make towers of Sun heated and night air cooled water or oil towers that we use to circulate water or oil to be heated or cooled and then circulated throughout the Cool Tube and furniture. The Cool Tube walls and furniture could have connecting systems that allows them to be moved in the room or to any other dwelling if one decides to move. People could actually start their own companies now and get rich selling these new type of walls that heat and cool. Plus these Cool Walls are actually much better for our environment because they don’t subtract water content from our Earth’s humidity which is good because the Earth needs all the humidity it can get so that the Earth can create clouds which are the Earth’s ONLY defence against the hot rays of the Sun and also clouds are Earths ONLY rain/water producing thing on our planet! Without clouds we are doomed! We have a much worse global warming problem now because the Earth doesn’t have enough clouds to stop the Sun’s hot rays! Get ALL rooms worldwide enclosed in Cool Tubes and we will see the planet get cooler. Stop flying those gigantic cigar shape vacuum/heating and polluting machines we call jet engine airplanes and start again flying propeller airplanes we would immediately start seeing a cooler planet. Jet planes exhaust temperatures ranges from 800 to 1200 degrees for passenger planes and from 1200 to 2500 degrees for military planes. Plus they pollute our atmosphere! ALL of us on Earth live in this bubble that we call an atmosphere that surrounds this floating gigantic rock we live on called Earth! The cool air molecules of outer space invades our bubble daily but it is only so cold. I read where the temperature in the upper atmosphere use to be around 32 degrees below zero. But us humans have been putting up these jet planes and also rockets which is heating up our bubble. We either stop it now or soon all the ice and snow on Earth will have melted and we are then in for a whole new weather pattern worldwide which we will not like! Also we have to stop driving combustion engine vehicles and start using electric vehicles or other means of transportation. If we stop using rockets, jet engine planes and combustion engine planes then the Earth’s humininty would increase and clouds would form and then there would be less of the Sun’s hot rays reaching the Earth. Then we need to Cool Cube our homes. Doing all this will surely end this global warming problem without even having to shut down any industries pollution problems!


Wake up to reality folks! Your planet is dying before your eyes! The world’s climate conditions are under attack from us humans polluting lifestyles and in about 15-30 years our world’s atmosphere will drastically change from how it is now and how it was for the last millions of years. As much as there are major changes happening today to our world’s climates what we will face in the future will scare the hell out of all of you no matter what political party you are and no matter what you may or may not believe about global warming! The weakest part of the ice system on Earth is permafrost. Hot weather easily melts permafrost. Since the 1960’s on the Russian side of the Arctic Ocean the permafrost in Russia was melting at a more unusual rapid pace. This daily melted permafrost water from Russia has since the 1960’s been draining from the lands of Russia into the Arctic Ocean where it then started to melt the ice in the North Pole. There are videos out there showing the yearly progress of the ice melting in the North Pole. In the videos you can see the draining permafrost water yearly melting the North Pole ice. Over the years this former permafrost now melted warmer water was circulating around the North Pole where it then melted much more ice. This warmer water then started circulating around the globe where it started melting the South Pole. As waves reached out into the atmosphere and took in another gulp of now hotter air in our global warming era the oceans water got warmer worldwide from the hotter air and melted permafrost and melted ice. I wish that our government and NASA would start paying more attention to this planet than other planets and figure out just what is happening here on Earth than waste our tax money and much needed scientific work on things that are going on in outer space because these glaciers melting is a sign of very bad things to come! Think about this, what happens when in about 10-20 years when all the Earth’s glaciers will have melted. ALL people, animals and plant life that rely on water from streams, rivers and lakes will soon have no more water! Our atmosphere will have less humidity which will mean less clouds which will mean less rain which will mean more areas of the world will be without water! As life around the world goes into chaos because there is enough water to plant food or food or water to feed people and animals the world’s order will come to an end! The Sun daily shines on our planet and heats up everything on Earth and as it does it causes water molecules on Earth to evaporate into the sky. That evaporated water molecule somehow can somehow bunch together with other evaporated water molecules where it can form clouds and hopefully rain. If the evaporated water molecules don’t form clouds or form clouds that don’t produce rain then those evaporated water molecules forever disappear! The Sun can and will will make all the water on Earth evaporate as Suns have done numerous times throughout the universe. So you folks better start doing something now to stop global warming because in about 10 t0 25 years the Earth’s environment will no longer be able to support life as we know it. This is a warning, is anybody listening? Does anybody care?


REBEL’S Daily Reports

Just read where NASA is out spending more of our taxpayer money doing another expensive investigating of something in outer space that wouldn’t help us taxpayers one damn bit! Wake up everybody! Us taxpayers have payed trillions of dollars over the years for nothing more than pictures of outer space and moon rocks and now NASA, the biggest waste of government money, has decided to chase a travelling rock in space just to get some…

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